distinctive (adjective, dis-tinc-tive, \ dɪˈstɪŋktɪv \) competency (noun, com-pe-ten-cy, ˈkɑːmpətənsɪ \)
Definition: is a unique, distinct characteristic or feature of a business that allows it to stand out from the competitors. In other words, a distinctive competency is something a business does better than anyone else. Distinctive competencies serve as the main forces of a business, allowing it not only to survive in the market conditions but also to offer a unique value proposition to the customers. When a company possesses a distinctive competency (or a couple of them), it may receive a competitive advantage in the market. It may also allow a business to grow faster than the competitors and to establish its sustainability.
In a Sentence:
- Our primary task is establishing special values and a distinctive competency in the current market conditions.
- There are numerous sources of distinctive competency, for instance, technological advancement or an innovative manufacturing process.
- Our company has a few major distinctive competencies, which make us more successful than our competitors.
Synonyms and related words: core competency, competitive advantage, value proposition, competitive relationship, competence