To Kill a Mockingbird Quotes - Page 17 | Just Great DataBase


The Radleys, welcome anywhere in town, kept to themselves, a predilection unforgivable in Maycomb. They


Matad todos los arrendajos azules que queráis, pero recordad que matar a un ruiseñor es pecado. (...) Los ruiseñores sólo se dedican a cantar para alegrarnos. No estropean los huertos, no anidan en los arcones del maíz, no hacen nada más que derramar su corazón, cantando para nuestro deleite. Por eso es pecado matar un ruiseñor.


Я хотел, чтобы ты кое-что в ней понял, хотел, чтобы ты увидел подлинное мужество, а не воображал, будто мужество - это когда у человека в руках ружье. Мужество - это когда заранее знаешь, что ты проиграл, и всё-таки берёшься за дело и наперекор всему на свете идёшь до конца. Побеждаешь очень редко, но иногда всё-таки побеждаешь. Миссис Дюбоз победила. По её воззрениям, она умерла, ничем никому и ничему не обязанная. Я никогда не встречал человека столь мужественного.


Con không bao giờ thực sự hiểu một người cho đến khi con xem xét mọi việc từ quan điểm của người đó


Lo único que no se rige por la mayoría es la conciencia de uno.


There’s one thing I truly believe, Gertrude, she continued, but some people just don’t see it my way. If we just let them know we forgive ’em, that we’ve forgotten it, then this whole thing’ll blow over.


If he’s not he should be by now. The things that happen to people we never really know. What happens in houses behind closed doors, what secrets—


Calpurnia’s tyranny, unfairness, and meddling in my business had faded to gentle grumblings of general disapproval.


The son—deceased’s under that tree, doctor, just inside the schoolyard.


watching the sky go from yellow to pink as the sun went down, watching flights of martins sweep low over the neighborhood and disappear behind the schoolhouse rooftops. Miss


To što smo poraženi stotinu godina prije nego što smo počeli nije razlog da ne pokušamo pobijediti.


I said I would like it very much, which was a lie, but one must lie under certain circumstances and at all times when one can’t do anything about them. We


tener un arma equivale a invitar al otro a que te dispare. —Esto


He might have hurt me a little,' Atticus conceded, 'but sn, you'll understand folks a little better when you're older. A mob's always made up of people, no matter what. Mr Cunnignham was part of a mob last night, but he ws still a man.Every mob in every little Souhern town is always made up of people you know - doesn't say much for them, does it?''I'll say ot, ' said Jem.'So it took an eight-year-old child to bring 'em to their senses, didn't it?' said Atticus. 'That proves something - that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because they're still human. Hmp, maybe we need a police force of children.


Talking to Francis gave me the sensation of settling slowly to the bottom of the ocean. He was the most boring child I ever met. As


Atticus had used every tool available to free men to save Tom Robinson, but in the secret courts of men’s hearts Atticus had no case.


Atticus was speaking so quietly his last word crashed on our ears. I looked up, and his face was vehement. There’s nothing more sickening to me than a low-grade white man who’ll take advantage of a Negro’s ignorance. Don’t fool yourselves—it’s all adding up and one of these days we’re going to pay the bill for it. I hope it’s not in you children’s time. Jem


Let us leave it at this, said Atticus dryly. You, Miss Scout Finch, are the common folk. You must obey the law. He said that the Ewells were members of an exclusive society made up of Ewells. In certain circumstances the common folk judiciously allowed them certain privileges by the simple method of becoming blind to some of the Ewells’ activities. They didn’t have to go to school, for one thing. Another thing, Mr. Bob Ewell, Burris’s father, was permitted to hunt and trap out of season. Atticus,


It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.


Calpurnia'ya, "Sen görürsün," dedim, ona gösterecektim; yakında, o başka bir işle uğraşırken Barker Girdabı'na gidip kendimi suya atacaktım, o zaman üzülecekti.


sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whiskey bottle in the hand of - oh, of your father


You might hear some ugly talk about it at school, but do one thing for me if you will: you just hold your head high and keep those fists down. No matter what anybody says to you, don’t you let ’em get your goat. Try fighting with your head for a change . . . it’s a good one, even if it does resist learning.