accident (noun, ac-ci-dent, \ ˈæksədənt \) management (noun, man-age-ment, \ ˈmænədʒmənt \)
Definition: is a systematic, planned, and controlled handling of a work- or business-related accident, which is directed towards preventing the accident from escalating into something more serious, balancing its consequences, and achieving a safe state overall. Numerous companies and organizations choose to outsource their accident management and use the services of special accident management companies. This can give a number of benefits to a business. They include dealing with accidents and their consequences in a more efficient way, being able to keep concentrating on business functions while the outside company deals with the accident, and even saving some money.
Synonyms and related words: accident condition, travel accident insurance, accident management company, insurance, occupational accident
In a Sentence:
- Accident management is important. The way your company executes it may influence the production pace and the overall performance of your business.
- Oftentimes, accident management involves the risk management, which, when done effectively, prevents future accidents or at least minimizes the number of potential ones.
- When choosing an outside accident management company, pay attention to their resolution procedures.