Authoritative Leadership Style Terms


Leadership Grid


leadership (noun, lead-er-ship, \ ˈliːdərʃɪp \) grid (noun, grid, \ ɡrɪd \)

Definition: is a graphical tool used for determining and evaluating the behavioral patterns of a leader in an organization along with two standard attributes: a) concern for people, and b) concern for results. An individual who has adopted an effective leadership style will display high levels of both of these attributes. The results of a leadership grid test include five main leadership types, with the specific style depending on the leader’s position on the X- and Y-axes of the grid.

In a Sentence:

  1. We’ve applied the leadership grid method to determine the quality of Peter’s performance, and he showed high results in both aspects!
  2. I don’t believe in the value of the leadership grid, as self-assessment has never really been an effective measurement technique in my opinion.
  3. When the board was explaining Thomas why he was being fired, the reason they’ve brought up the most was his poor leadership grid scores. They seemed unbothered by the fact that his branch was the best performing one in the company.

Synonyms and related words: managerial grid model, managerial grid, leadership development, leadership style

Achievement-oriented Leadership


achievement (noun, achieve-ment, \ əˈtʃiːvmənt \) oriented (adjective, ori-ent-ed, \ ˈɔːrientəd \) leadership (noun, lead-er-ship, \ ˈliːdərʃɪp \)

Definition: is a management strategy, which implies a manager or another authority figure determining high goals for the employees and motivating them to achieve those objectives. An achievement-oriented leadership involves a manager providing proper training and support for his or her subordinates, setting both individual and team goals, and directing the efforts towards improving the performance. In other words, an achievement-oriented leadership means that the manager works on stimulating a mindset toward achievements in his or her employees. Achievement-oriented managers typically work with and mentor both a team and each individual employee separately.

In a Sentence:

  1. The achievement-oriented leadership system in our company helps us set specific goals and move confidently towards them.
  2. Being a part of the achievement-oriented leadership organization, Mr. Lee always helps other employees work on their mistakes.
  3. The achievement-oriented leadership is the number one management system in our company. That’s why our employees show such a great performance in the workplace.

Synonyms and related words: directive leadership, supportive leadership, participative leadership, leadership system, management system

Leadership System


[ˈlidərˌʃɪp ˈsɪstəm]

Definition: is a set of methods that are characteristic for the leader of the management, that is, it is a system of constantly applied methods of leadership. The theory of leadership system dates back to the 1920s, when interest in management as a science began to appear for the first time. The first thing that the researchers drew attention to was the possible presence of common traits of character among various well-known leaders. The next step of the researchers was the situational theory of leadership. According to it, the leader is generated by the current situation. Depending on the task, the leader can change. The leader can focus on solving the problem or on the relations in the team. The third step of the researchers is the system theory of leadership. Here, leadership is viewed from the point of view of group dynamics. The group is seen as a system, leadership as the organization of relations in a group, the leader as the subject of management of this process.

Leadership system in a sentence:

  1. There is only one most effective leadership system - adaptive, that is, oriented to reality, to the situation and people.
  2. The leader should learn how to use all styles, methods, and forms of influence that are most appropriate in a given situation and develop his personal leadership system.

Synonyms and related words: leadership styles, a portrait of a leader

Directive Leadership


Definition: Directive Leadership [dəˈrɛktɪv ˈlidərˌʃɪp] implies a clear statement of the tasks and ways to implement them. The leader of such teams is sometimes called the coordinator, since his main functions are team building, coordinating the actions of members of such a team, maintaining the team's readiness for self-government. In such teams, a combination of operational, task-oriented, involving, supporting, inspiring leadership is used. Its effectiveness increases if it is supported by the so-called new leadership of the "bright" leaders standing at the top in an organization that realizes charismatic and transformational leadership.

Directive Leadership in a Sentence:

  1. Directive leadership leads to greater satisfaction when the tasks performed are more ambiguous and "tense" than when they are carefully structured and planned.
  2. Studies have shown that directive leadership is very effective when performing short-term tasks or moving towards long-term goals.

Synonyms and related words: initiative leadership, forms of leadership

Pacesetting Leadership


Definition: Pacesetting Leadership [ˈpeɪˌsɛtər ˈlidərˌʃɪp] is characterized by the following indicators:

  • Increased need to achieve results.
  • High personal standards.
  • An initiative of the leader.
  • Low level of empathy and cooperation.
  • Impatience.
  • Melodious management.
  • Orientation to numbers

The style is appropriate when receiving high results from a motivated and competent group. Not interested in the feelings of those present, the leader can activate the spring of negative emotions. When leaders fail to feel the feelings of others or correctly interpret the group's emotions, they create dissonance, without the need to send negative signals to the team. The resulting depression is immediately reflected in the results of the work: instead of paying all attention to the message of the leader and the fulfillment of group tasks, the team deals with internal problems.

Pacesetting Leadership In a Sentence:

  1. Pacesetting Leadership is an advisory or consensus type of leadership, in which subordinates are involved in decision-making.
  2. Pacesetting Leadership is characterized by the desire of the leader to cooperate with subordinates and lack of directive.

Synonyms and related words: participating leadership, advisory leadership, dissonant leadership