business (noun, busi-ness, \ ˈbɪznəs \) critical (adjective, crit-i-cal, \ ˈkrɪtɪkl \) point (noun, point, \ pɔɪnt \)
Definition: a period of time during which a company ceases to have the opportunity to operate correctly and which usually occurs after the inability to perform an essential function or process. Alternatively, a business critical point can be defined as the last period of time at which the company can exist without a mission critical activity or dependency. Once such a point has been reached, the management has to implement the crisis response plan to attempt avoiding the complete collapse of the firm. However, in most scenarios, a business critical point can also be seen as “the point of no return.”
In a Sentence:
- We’ve just heard from the warehouse and found out that the last shipment contained only dysfunctional equipment, so it seems that our company may have reached its business critical point.
- Due to the lack of a proper customer service structure, EnergyBeak is near the business critical point.
- If Johnston & Clarke wants to avoid reaching a business critical point they need to rethink their product pricing policy.
Synonyms and related words: mission critical, business continuity planning, business recovery risk, dependency, business resumption