centralized (adjective, cen-tral-ized, \ ˈsentrəlaɪzd \) management (noun, man-age-ment, \ ˈmænɪdʒmənt \)
Definition: is a management system, which implies using a specifically designated, limited by number authority in the business-related decision-making process. This may imply one single individual who is responsible for managing the business or a small number of people who are usually centralized in one location (headquarters) and share the responsibility of making the main decisions. The opposite model of management is the decentralized management system. It involves a couple of management levels and allows the upper levels to transfer some of the decisions to the lower ones or even to the individual employees.
In a Sentence:
- Our company has a centralized management system, so the main chief executives are always working at the headquarters.
- A centralized management allows us to keep the most important decisions in our hands.
- Being organized as a centralized management company, our firm doesn’t allow other employees to participate in the decision-making process.
Synonyms and related words: decentralized management, project management, product management, management system, management body, management level