collateral (adjective, col-lat-er-al, \ kəˈlætərəl \) information (noun, in-for-ma-tion, \ ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃn \)
Definition: is a type of additional, relevant information that may be vital for the accurate use of the primary information obtained by an organization. Such data may be viewed as a supplement to the main information, but it can also play a key role in the decision-making processes of a company. Collateral information may consist of facts related to the market situation, potential clients, direct and indirect competition, product characteristics and performance, or even a relevant statistical figure.
In a Sentence:
- Interestingly enough, the statistical data containing collateral information about our sales in California can help us improve our marketing approach.
- I highly recommend you record all the collateral information you receive regarding Rail Gate. You have to know how they operate if you want to make sure they’ll sign a deal with you.
- During meetings, Mr. Peters has always written down any collateral information into his notebook, which he later used when talking to his employees.
Synonyms and related words: confidential information, primary information, chief information officer, proprietary information