company (noun, com-pa-ny, \ ˈkʌmpəni \) director (noun, di-rec-tor, \ dəˈrektər \)
Definition: is an elected or an appointed member of the board who (just like other directors) is responsible for establishing and executing company’s policies and operations. A director is a company’ agent who doesn’t necessarily have to be a shareholder. A company director is typically appointed to maintain the day-to-day operations and processes of an organization and to ensure that all of the statutory obligations are met. A director doesn’t own company’s assets (unless he or she is one of the shareholders) but may use the money invested in the company for business-related purposes strictly.
In a Sentence:
- As a company director, he has a lot of responsibilities and has to take care of numerous daily issues.
- She was appointed as a company director by the board of executives.
- One of the main responsibilities of a company director is holding the organizational meetings and keeping the accounting records properly.
Synonyms and related words: executive, board of directors, stockholder, shareholder, company, corporation, company policies