developmental (adjective, de-vel-op-men-tal, \ dɪˌveləpˈmentl \) change (noun, change, \ tʃeɪndʒ \)
Definition: is a change that occurs in an organization, during which a pre-existing operation, procedure, system, or process is gradually improved, without any radical progression being achieved or targeted at. Developmental change isn’t necessarily connected to a large-scale process but can be related to day-to-day operations as well. Such changes allow introducing small improvements to increase the efficiency of the company, getting rid of existing deficiencies, or continuing developing a system that has already proven to be a success.
In a Sentence:
- The improvement of the check-out page on our website’s store was a much needed developmental change that will make the process of purchasing goods from us easier.
- Even though the implementation of the enhanced order processing software is a welcomed developmental change, the employees felt that something truly groundbreaking was needed for the company to get ahead of the competition.
Synonyms and related words: transitional change, discontinuous change, transformational change, incremental change