front (adjective, front, \ frʌnt \) line (noun, line, \ laɪn \) management (noun, man-age-ment, \ ˈmænɪdʒmənt \)
Definition: includes line and office managers as well as supervisors that are all personally accountable for the production of services and products presented by a company. Individuals that are a part of the front line management structure are crucial for the company’s proper workflow as they are responsible for motivating workers and controlling how they perform their core production duties. Additionally, they hold responsibility for managing costs and the financial well-being of the company.
In a Sentence:
- It seems that Reo-Cane has very poor front line management. How else can you explain the constant late deliveries and their inability to meet deadlines established in our contract?
- I wish the board would improve the quality of our firm’s front line management. We need managers that can get the most out of all employees and not just be satisfied with mediocre numbers each month.
Synonyms and related words: staff management, front line manager, line management, middle management