hard (adjective, hard, \ hɑːrd \) benefit (noun, ben-e-fit, \ ˈbenɪfɪt \)
Definition: is a measurable increment in a company’s or a person’s income, achieved by the realization of a program, a policy, or a project. Unlike the soft benefit principle, the hard benefit involves a manager or a director sticking to the commitment to achieve the measurable, monetary differences in the income amounts. This oftentimes includes reducing the total expense budget and cutting the funds that are dedicated to transportation, production, manpower, transactions, and other operations.In a
- To claim the hard benefit, you, as a business manager, ought to increase our revenue budget.
- Because the way this project is going to affect us, it’s better to reduce the expense budget if we wish to receive the hard benefits.
Synonyms and related words: soft benefit, revenue, income, asset