Definition: [ɪnˈkɑːmpɪtəns] is a complete or partial lack of relevance due to a lack of solid knowledge and skills in the required field. According to the Danning-Kruger effect, incompetent people tend to overestimate their own capabilities and underestimate the proficiencies of subordinates. With respect to career growth, the so-called Peter's Principle was put forward on the basis of this concept, which states that in the hierarchical system each employee rises to the level of own incompetence. A person gets stuck here until resignation or retirement. Peter's system has repeatedly been criticized, but it has quite a few followers.
Incompetence in a Sentences:
- An incompetent employee is unlikely to be able to work in the new department at the proper level.
- An incompetent leader is associated with an economic catastrophe of local scales.
Synonyms and related words: inability, ineptitude, inexperience