knowledge (noun, knowl-edge, \ ˈnɑːlɪdʒ \) base (noun, base, \ beɪs \) management (noun, man-age-ment, \ ˈmænɪdʒmənt \) system (noun, sys-tem, \ ˈsɪstɪm \)
Definition: is created by implementing the database management system needed for devising software employed for applications that operate on shared information or are knowledge-based. The implementation of this system can increase the efficiency of all departments within a company, as it also clearly defines how a business manages its information by establishing guidelines and procedures. In most organizations, such a system is primarily targeted at the customer support department to increase its productivity and help it develop a more personalized approach to each client.
In a Sentence:
- We’ve invested thousands of dollars into our new knowledge base management system. This investment will allow our sales agents to share all gathered information with the customer support department.
- I don’t think your company is big enough to warrant purchasing knowledge base management system related software. Wait until your client base and workforce are bigger and then decide whether you should do it.
Synonyms and related words: management system, management style, content management system, warehouse management system