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Management inventory
management (noun, man-age-ment, \ ˈmænɪdʒmənt \) inventory (noun, in-ven-to-ry, \ ˈɪnvəntɔːri \)
Definition: is an organized and easy-to-understand directory that contains the list of all members of a company’s management team, as well as a detailed description of all the capabilities that each individual possesses. A management inventory is created on the basis of information gained from a manager’s work records, his education, and any training courses that he may have taken. Additionally, reports written by the manager’s direct superior and the analysis of appraisal sessions are also an important factor in determining his competence level.
In a Sentence:
Synonyms and related words: inventory management, management team, employment record, supervisor’s report
materials (noun, ma-te-ri-als, \ məˈtɪriəlz \) management (noun, man-age-ment, \ ˈmænɪdʒmənt \)
Definition: is a method of planning, systematizing, managing, and overseeing all operations that are closely related to the flow of materials into a company. The range of functions included in an organization’s materials management can vary drastically depending on the specifics of how its run and may consist of material control, manufacturing planning, sales, inventory storage and management, and waste control. A properly implemented materials management system allows a company to cut down on various costs and find additional budget funds.
In a Sentence:
Synonyms and related words: supply chain, materials inventory, delivery schedule, materials requirement planning, materials handling
structural (adjective, struc-tur-al, \ ˈstrʌktʃərəl \) management (noun, man-age-ment, \ ˈmænɪdʒmənt \)
Definition: is a part of a company’s management system that serves to establish and support a satisfying balance of two or more components or elements that are different but related to the same subject or entity. For instance, structural management may involve a company finding the balance between debt and equity. Such management can be performed both on the managerial and departmental level, depending on which elements are in need of balancing. Oftentimes, enterprises acquire specially designed software problems to simplify this process.
In a Sentence:
Synonyms and related words: resource management, risk management, value chain management, supply management
[klæsɪkəl skul ʌv ˈmænəʤmənt]
Definition: is a concept that takes into account rational patterns. The efforts of the founders of the classical school of management were aimed at creating universal management principles based on personal observations and aimed at streamlining production, while ignoring social relations in the production process without paying due attention to the human factor. The classical school of management is based on the scientific approach developed by Henri Faile, whose main idea is the rational organization of the organization as a hierarchical structure.
Classical school of management in a sentence:
Synonyms and related words: principles of management, scientific approach, human factor
Management [ˈmænɪdʒmənt] is
Synonyms: administration, board, executives, directors, brass.