

Metaphor essentially stands for comparing one object to another. This fulfils a purpose of revealing hidden characteristics of the object or enhancing its effect in the conversation or literature. The comparison is based on the correlation of two objects and a specific similar trait that increases the power of remark and eases visualization of described thing. 

Metaphor is highly useful when it comes to clarifying the point of view or topic of conversation. The term belongs to Aristotle as he was using it to enhance his artistic influence and explain mimesis, the way he reacts to life on a philosophical level. However, this implied comparison received increased attention in the 15th century after the thriving of poetry and prose writing. It became a commonly used literary device and then figure of speech due to its simplicity and efficacy in delivering the original message in a different tone. Since then this device merged with the daily vocabulary and is used constantly without the speaker noticing it. 
Use of the analogy, which is the basis of metaphor can be explained with natural simplicity of usage by any individual. It allows to make conversation more meaningful without spending more time and words on explanations. 

Four pivotal elements can be viewed as foundation of the metaphor. The category or context generalizes figure of speech and sets it in a distinct group of understanding, pushing the listener or reader in needed direction. The object inside of a defined category narrows down possible angles of acceptance by another individual. The process during which an object is performing needed function furthers the non-verbal explanation, which the other person embraces on a conceptual level. Applying that process to the real situation or putting it in the way so the similarities become obvious and the initial purpose of metaphor is fulfilled.

Besides the obvious use in the conversations, metaphor is an essential part of most literary works. This tendency can be tracked from Dante’s “Divine Comedy” and is still present in vast amounts nowadays. Use of this device increases the value of description which lays at the core of any successful literary work. Writings are judged by how they make an impact on reader and metaphor is a perfect case of how this influential stance can be achieved by words. Author use different kinds of analogy to appeal to readers’ feelings, increasing the likelihood of them comprehending the initial message and therefore becoming more culturally acceptable and acclaimed by professionals. 

Taking into account massive use of metaphor in speech and literature, it can be said precisely that this device possesses one of the greatest values for culture and language among those of its kind. 

Looking from scientific perspective it is described by specialists in cognitive linguistics as a crucial key to open the door of our thoughts and ideas to others. Our system of concepts is based on thinking and expressing the results of it often can not be accomplished without using means like metaphor. Many world’s scientists are still debating about how the evolution of said device differs in languages across the world or in groups of those. Also, research of the practical use of the device in common conceptuality system opposing to the literature is still ongoing.

Metaphor often becomes an aesthetic self-aim and replaces the initial meaning of the word. Shakespeare created his writings so that the literary devices, including the aforementioned are not used to represent the life value of the expression. Quite opposite, they are intentionally created to drift away from the original interpretation. That is how Shakespeare created new meaning for an existing saying and established new intuitive connection between somewhat unrelated words or those that were not used together previously. 

Speaking simple language, Shakespeare's metaphor not only reflects life but creates it as well. The representatives of Futurism were constantly trying to make it as distant from the original meaning as possible, rather than thoroughly realistic towards the description of objects. 

Such diverse use of the metaphor once again gets us to the point of realizing that this literary device is a major player when it comes to the evolution of language, speech, and culture in general. It is also related to the role of mass media and knowledge sources along with using it to define the objects of technical advancements and accomplishments of humanity.

The Summary

First of all, metaphor is a tool of enhancing and emphasizing the message that someone is trying to deliver through writing or common speech. Its crucial aspect is analogy and the way it is used defines a valid category of this literary device. It may express something absurd in terms of reality but definitely accepted when talking about symbols, feelings and hidden meaning that come to our understanding intuitively. Metaphor is both used for realistic portrayal of life and its derivatives as well as creating new concepts that fit into the system and take part in natural evolution of things like culture and speech. Expressing a hidden meaning that is understood on a subconscious level, it reveals the way of thinking of another individual and simplifies the path to better understanding of ideas and concepts unexplainable by words.