organizational (adjective, or-ga-ni-za-tion-al, /ˌɔrɡənəˈzeɪʃənəl/) meeting (noun, meet-ing, /ˈmiːt̬ɪŋ/)
Definition: in business, it may imply two different types of meetings: a) a deliberate, formal assembly of the shareholders and the management branch of a company; or b) a regular gathering of the management body and the employees. In both cases, an organizational meeting is held with a specific aim. It may be implemented to debate some issues, to find a solution to an existing problem, or to make the decisions concerning the business-related matters. Typically, an organizational meeting is held by the chairperson or the chief manager. Organizational meetings are oftentimes recorded, prevalently in a written form (called “minutes”).
In a Sentence:
- Since our company is facing numerous challenges these days, I suggest we hold an organizational meeting. Let’s hear what others have to say.
- The organizational meeting was held last Tuesday, where we managed to cover a lot of issues, but not enough. We will have another meeting on Friday.
- We need to prepare the expenses report and the stock certificates before the next organizational meeting. Don’t forget to get those signed by Mr. Lee.
Synonyms and related words: meeting, initial meeting, board meeting, annual general meeting, planning meeting, committee meeting, sales meeting