participative (adjective, par-tic-i-pa-tive, \ pɑ:ˈtɪsɪpeɪtɪv \) leadership (noun, lead-er-ship, \ ˈliːdərˌʃɪp \)
Definition: is a leadership method (style), which implies the head of an organization who engages the subordinates in problem-solving, goal setting, team building, and other business-related activities. However, even in this style of leadership, the head of the organization remains the final, main authority in making decisions. Such a leadership style may result in a slower decision-making process. Nonetheless, it is oftentimes employed by numerous large corporations due to the advantages it can offer, which include the strengthening of the staff morale and allowing for more creative ideas and opinions.
In a Sentence:
- If you want to learn which of your employees is capable of showing the highest levels of personal initiative, you might want to try involving them with participative leadership. This way, you will still be in control but will have a chance to estimate your subordinates’ skills and professional behavior.
- We appreciate when we get a chance to practice participative leadership during the workdays. It’s useful to feel involved and to work together.
Synonyms and related terms: representative participation, participatory management, teamwork