

Pedantic is explained as the one that pays unnecessarily big attention to details, formalism, and accuracy. While used both positively and negatively, it is essentially portrayed as the overabundance of the mentioned things.

Pedantic is a derivative from the noun, pedant. Its origin is yet unknown for certainty, but many speculations suggest that the word evolved from the Latin equivalent, which means “pedagogue”. This explains why pedantic people are those who act as if they were to teach an individual how to act in certain situations. Often this desire to explain various aspects is not justified due to superior understanding shown by the conversation partner. 

Pedantic person often radiates the desire to guide other individuals without taking into account their knowledge and level of professionalism when the matter concerns job issues. In many cases, only a brief knowledge of the topic or even pedant’s own imagination serve as the ground for debates and arguments. This often makes pedantic person a villain in his surroundings and the term itself becomes a negative trait that sometimes is comparable to overconfidence and pride. 

Such adverse attitude to pedantry is explained also by other things besides the love for unjustified teaching. The manner that a pedantic person uses to speak of accomplishments, order, and rules is often seen as boring and unappealing. Therefore, such talks are met with controversy and considered as antagonism. Pedantic individual often would not hesitate before picking the topic of conversation which poses him as the only correct person. It can cover such basic topics as daily schedule, dishwashing, and dust cleaning. Complex issues are also a suitable field of discussion and subjects such as work ethic, professionalism, and personal development are covered. 

Besides speaking, actions that pedantry hides underneath it are also distinguishable. Such person would make sure that no delay is possible and the truth is always on the right side. This leads to discussing the bright side of pedantic people. 

The saying “German pedantry” which is seen worldwide rather positively. This term refers to punctuality, justified attention to details and love for issues that are handled promptly, decisively and correctly. Pedantic person like that evokes positive evaluation and can pose as a role model for those who struggle to manage time and efforts equally and properly. 

Besides personal judgment and opinion of society, the term “pedantic” is found in medicine as well. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is connected to the fanatical desire to follow the rules and comply with any regulation without leaving a margin for human mistake and individuality. However, the difference between a pedantic person and a mentally unhealthy individual with OCPD is that the latter often creates the strict rules of his or her own and completes the procedures connected to those regulations. Often the created individual rules are the twisted versions of guidelines that exist in real life and are meant to simplify operations instead of making it a cult. 

Pedantic speech, which is pompous and overly formal, is often the case for individuals with Asperger syndrome. The use of such speech in every aspect of daily routine can be considered a symptom of a mentioned development disorder. 

The Summary

While giving the definition to the term “pedantic” it is common to mention such aspects as love for details, strict following of any guidelines and, most importantly, explaining everything to the individuals that surround the person, teaching them how to act in a certains situation. It is often followed up by a continuous monologue, considered by many as “boring”. However teaching in itself may have a positive effect in many cases, pedantic person may not be persuaded to refrain from doing so due to the lack of knowledge and experience in the topic of conversation. Some people and scientist often connect pedantry with the size of ego and pride that one can have. Therefore, a person who is inclined to think that his or her superiority over the surrounding social elements is justified can show the signs of a personal trait that is called “pedantic”. It can have a positive side as well, primarily while the abiding the rules and polishing every inch is not overused to a state which resembles obsession. “Pedantic” can mean high self-organization level of an individual, commonly seen as a positive trait among office workers. And finally, pedantry is represented in medicine. Having development or personality disorder may serve as a catalyst for pedantic actions mixed with a corrupt understanding of rules or even making new ones while using the distinctive speech to share it with the world.