resource-driven (adjective, re-source-driv-en \ ˈriː.sɔːrs ˈdrɪv.ən \)
Definition: is a project or a task, the implementation of which depends on allocating the specific resources and not on the available time. The term may be applied not only to a specific task but also to a certain team of people, an organizational method, a strategy, or a business model. This mode implies both using the existing resources and acquiring the new ones with an aim to transform or expand the business, increase the profit, or simply conclude a task.Transcription:
In a Sentence:
- The resource-driven team will not be able to perform the task on time. We are very concerned about the time limitations, so we need to gather a different team.
- The resource-driven business skills will result in an unstable management and organization.
Synonyms and related words: resource plan, market-driven, time-driven.