written (adjective, writ-ten, \ ˈrɪtn \) resolution (noun, res-o-lu-tion, \ ˌrezəˈluːʃən \)
Definition: is a resolution voted for and signed by all shareholders (or stockholders) of a company that is considered to be effective even if it wasn’t presented and approved at a shareholder’s meeting beforehand. This type of resolution can be passed either as an ordinary or special resolution depending on the company’s needs. A written resolution can be related to a wide range of subjects and activities, but usually isn’t used for the dismissal of a director.
In a Sentence:
- Before our written resolution could take effect, we first had to find Mr. Auburn and make him sign it.
- I think it’s very indecent to dismiss Robert from his position as a director with a written resolution.
- The shareholders at Hyper issued a written resolution establishing new procedures on how information should be recorded and passed on by the management.
Synonyms and related words: special resolution, ordinary resolution, resolution to borrow, budget resolution