Under foreshadowing is meant a bookish method used to warn or tell a follower about upcoming occasions. Thanks to it, an atmosphere of expectancy is maintained, and passions are heated. Writers frequently employ it for saving spectators from frustration because of the unexpected turn of a plot.
In his tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”, Shakespeare leaves onlookers with clues indicating approaching of a sad finale. For instance, a litterateur begins the story with words about unfortunate lovers, which already serves as a sign of future suffering and endless obstacles. Even a prologue warns enmity of families will cease, but only because of the death of their children.
A meeting of principal personages takes place against the backdrop of a fierce fight between the valets of two warring clans. Agree, this is not the best beginning of love relationships. The famous scene at the balcony leads to the decision of a secret marriage, although relatives of both sides against their marriage. A bright instance of presage is also the confessor’s monologue. Filling a basket with herbs and poisonous weeds, he talks about the riches of the Earth, their usefulness or harm through unreasonable use.
Considering Tibalt a member of his family, Romeo refuses to fight him in a duel, which causes the doom of his best friend. A young man was sentenced to exile because of his own humanism. Juliet, hearing the news, immediately heralds her imminent passing from sadness, urging death to take her, like a bride on her wedding night.
It is so symbolical Mercutio’s advice to get rid of feelings to Rosaline with the help of new emotions. He compares love with a quite powerful toxin, by which, when taken, Romeo dies. A reason for such deed is a loss of his true love. It means life does not make sense. We should remember a scene of the protagonist’s invasion at a masquerade of the Capulet. He ironically notes that such trick could cost him his head and predicts his clash with the greatest sorrow.
Juliet also often resorts to fatal images. Standing on the balcony, she compares her lover with the dead, and a bed of love with the grave. Perhaps, in her mouth, Shakespeare purposely invested visions of the future, identifying her with the Pythia. Learning about Lorenzo’s plan, the girl calls it a catastrophe that will allow lovers to be together. We see that the main characters are haunted by death, which indicates the inevitability of a pre-determined outcome. A virtue becomes a vice.
Thus, foreshadowing is able to open a veil over terrible finals or love intrigues, preparing a viewer for impartial twists of fate. Writers note that this way adds meaning to the narrative by means of inadequacy. Shakespeare just sought to spare the feelings of spectators and not too hurt their hearts.