Pluralism as a school was created in the 5th century’s Greece. There were three noticeable figures among its leaders. They are Anaxagoras, Archelaus, and Empedocles. They convinced that there were diversified components that were not defeasible with each other. These components were based on love and struggle. Thus, pluralism may be defined as a concept of multiplicity.

In other words, it’s a mixture of metaphysical parts of the complex and formation of existence. The concept exists in four associated patterns. It had a contrastive school named monism (proved the concept of unity), and there was one more with the title dualism (the concept of duality).

Philosophers pluralists intended to coordinate the total exclusion of changes. Such ideas were provided by Parmenides and the Eleatic School. It should be mentioned, that pluralists didn’t reject those opinions, but they slightly modified the system of sense events. To these events belonged such things as becoming alive and the end of the life or formation and devastation. Philosophers in this school were struggling to understand the foundation for all things that happen in real life. They were convinced that every change has its specific purpose.

One of the noticeable figures belonging to the pluralism philosophical school is Anaxagoras. In his suggestions, he persuaded that every single thing has occurred from its starting point as a countless quantity of infinitesimally tiny elements of itself. However, this existence is presented in a complicated and indiscernible form. The separation of similar from different was accomplished by the genuine and self-sufficient thing with the name “The Mind.” The mind is also a generator of any movements. The ideas that were given by Anaxagoras later were used as a foundation for developing Atomism.

One more philosopher who made a great influence on developing the pluralism concept was Archelaus. Actually, he was a student of Anaxagoras. Philosopher proved the statement that air and eternity are the assumptions for all happened things in the world. In accordance with his suggestions, the basic Matter is air joined together with the Mind. Archelaus stated that laws of movements are hidden in segregation of heated from chilly. From these principles, he attempted to define the evolution of the world and an establishment of people and animals.

Empedocles is another well-known figure belonging to this philosophical school. He lived in Agrigentum that was situated in one of the Greek’s colonies. The philosopher established the foundation for the cosmogenic theory. This theory contained the statements about four primitive elements: earth, fire, water, and air. Mentioned components were supposed to be elementary, constant, and unchangeable. Broadening his arguments, he established that there were two perfect forces: Strife and Love. They perpetually combine and separate the four mentioned elements. Empedocles was strongly convinced that any elementary or complicated thing cannot appear in the presence of non-presence. In other words, that is the result of integrating and reintegrating of primitive components. In addition to this, philosopher holds up the concept of reincarnation.

Pluralism is a doctrine practiced in various ways, though it always contains the idea of the existence of several fundamental materials.