The Merchant of Venice Essays - Page 2 | Just Great DataBase

Merchant of Venice Act4 Scene1 Summary

In William Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venise there were a lot of important scenes. But the ‘Trial scene’ was perceived to be the most important scene in the play. The playwright uses this scene to convey a number of key ideas such as Jews vs Christians, Mercy vs Justice and Appearance vs Reality...

1 194 words

Merchant of Venice Comparative Essay

In Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, Shylock is a Jew who struggles to adjust to a Christian society that belittles him. Antonio is a devout Christian. Shylock’s relationship with Antonio reveals that he is biased against Christians, and in this way both Shylock and Antonio exhibit...

494 words

The Merchant of Venice - Money Cannot Represent Everything

In Elizabethian times – money meant power, and a person’s status in the society. Money was one of the most important factors that society could not live without. However, there are things which money itself cannot buy or represent, such as the true value of a person, friendship, and revenge. In...

756 words

The Merchant of Venice Is a Play About Love and Hate

In the play ‘The Merchant of Venice’ by William Shakespeare, according to a number of characters, there is a prominent aura revolving around the themes of love and hate. It is understandable that during the latter part of the play, Shylocks daughter, Jessica, contradicting her father Shylock, is...

860 words

The Merchant of Venice: Womens Rights

The Merchant of Venice, supposedly written between 1596 and 1598 is classified as an early Shakespearean comedy and also one of the problem plays. Though It is classified as a comedy, it has certain aspects of a romance. The play itself is about what could be called a rival between Christianity...

801 words

The Merchant of Venice Is a Tragicomedy....I Got 32/35 so Its a Good Essay

A tragedy is a drama or literary work in which the protagonist is brought to ruin or suffers sorrow, especially as a consequence of tragic flaw or moral weakness. Where as, a comedy is a drama or literary work, that is light and often humorous or satirical in tone and it usually contains a happy...

1 542 words

Merchant of Venice

Is Shylock portrayed as a villain or victim? In our lessons we have been studying one of Shakespeare's plays The Merchant of Venice. This is one of Shakespeare’s most famous romantic comedies, written in 1596. The bases of this play lies on dealing with a dispute between shylock, a wealthy Jew...

366 words

The Merchant of Venice

CourseworkHelp : The Differences between Venice & Belmont In the play “The Merchant of Venice” by William Shakespeare the settings could not be more adverse, they are set in the most opposite atmospheres. One of the settings is named “Belmont”, this is Portia’s house…. the hero of the play. Whilst...

1 061 words

Merchant of Venice: Mercy and Justice

The Merchant of Venice Ever been in a situation where you do not know whether to be fair or bend the rules a bit? In The Merchant of Venice, mercy and justice are the continuing predominant themes. Situations occur, that doing the just act does not seem to be correct or the right thing to do...

1 067 words

The Merchant of Venice

The Merchant of Venice (1596) is one of Shakespeare’s most outstanding comedies. For the past more than 400 years, it has been paid close attention to and also highly praised. Many people, such as literature critics, historians, and the scholars who study religion, have keen interest in it not...

262 words

The Merchant of Venice

Shylock in "The Merchant of Venice" Summary: In "The Merchant of Venice" by William Shakespeare, Shylock is always portrayed as the villain of the play. However, a study of his strengths and weaknesses reveals how hard it is to tell whether he is a villain or a victim. 'The Merchant of Venice'...

776 words

Major Themes in Merchant of Venice

TWO MAJOR THEMES IN MERCHANT OF VENICE A major theme in the Merchant of Venice is mercy. Mercy depicts a large part of this play, mercy is one of themes that ends it. In the courtroom scene of Act 4, scene 1, both the Duke and Portia present mercy as a better alternative to the pursuit of either...

487 words

Merchant of Venice and the Crucible Comparison Essay

Ashley Tam Ms. Parker ENG2DB – 01 December 17, 2010 Injustice: Power Gone Wrong All communities run successfully with qualities of fairness and equality. The well-being of the citizens depends on the support and guidance they receive from those with power and influence in their society. When the...

1 652 words

Merchant of Venice - Tragic Hero

The Merchant of Venice is a comedy written by Shakespeare, but it is arguable that it can also be called a tragedy. A dictionary meaning of a tragedy is, “a drama or similar work, in which the main character is brought to ruin or otherwise suffers the extreme consequences of some tragic flaw or...

590 words

Uncompleted- the Merchant of Venice Text Response Essay

In the play ‘The Merchant of Venice’, there are several characters who behave in villainous ways but Shylock is the most villainous character out of all of them. Do you agree? Throughout ‘The Merchant of Venice’ there are many examples of villainous acts performed by the characters. Although the...

3 878 words

Merchant of Venice Shylock Analysis

Robert F. Kennedy stated, “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope... and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current that can...

1 005 words

The Merchant of Venice Was Anti Semetic

Nicholas Bouwer Mr. Koughan Anti-Semitism in The Merchant of Venice Anti-Semitism, which has often been called the longest hatred (a comment on the unbelievably long time jews have been prosecuted as the bane of the earth), has recurred in society for centuries. Since before medieval times, Jews...

2 390 words

Merchant of Venice

A play I have studied is The Merchant of Venice. Two characters in the play who have a tense relationship are Shylock and Antonio. This tension stems firstly from religious differences. In Venice at this time the Christians looked down on the Jewish people because of their religion. Shylock cannot...

1 587 words

Merchant of Venice Extract 1

Written sometime between 1596 to 1598, The Merchant Of Venice is classified as both and early Shakespearean comedy and as one of the Shakespeare’s problem plays. Scene 1 introduces one of the major plot points as well as several key characters. When Antonio, Solanio and Salarino enter at the...

791 words

Merchant of Venice Glossary and Character Sketch

Glossary—The Merchant of Venice Act I, Scene II 1. “By my troth”—a mild oath like “Upon my word” 2. aught—anything 3. surfeit—overindulge 4. superfluity—excess 5. Hare—to run fast 6. “overname them”—say their names over 7. colt—a young, or inexperienced person 8. Death’s-head—skull 9...

767 words

Is The Merchant of Venice an Anti-Semitic Play? Essay

The Merchant of Venice features a Jewish character that is abused and slandered by nearly every character in the play. Throughout the play the behavior of these characters seems justified. In this way, The Merchant of Venice appears to be an anti-Semitic play. However, The Merchant of Venice...

1 512 words

Tragedy in The Merchant of Venice

According to, a tragedy is a form of art based on human suffering; furthermore, it is a dramatic composition, dealing with a serious or somber theme, typically that of a great person destined through a flaw of character or conflict with some overpowering force, as fate or society...

1 526 words

Religion in The Merchant of Venice Essay

Religion was a major factor in a number of Shakespeare’s plays. Religion motivated action and reasoning. In Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice,” religion was more than a belief in a higher being; it reflected moral standards and ways of living. In the “Merchant of...

2 073 words

Background and Influence: Merchant of Venice

In England, during the lifetime of William Shakespeare, oppression was occurring against people of different races, ethnicities, and even genders. The religious conflicts stemmed from the differing translations of G-d's word. This created conflicts and segregation by religion, turning some...

1 993 words

Stereotypes and The Merchant of Venice

Stereotypes are a fixed image of all members of a culture, group, or race usually based on limited and inaccurate information resulted from the minimal contact with this stereotyped groups. stereotypes have many forms; people are stereotyped according to their religion, race, ethnicity, age, gender...

1 680 words