
Bartleby with inhuman energy works smoothly and uninterruptedly, but his work is mechanical, devoid of creative impulse. Thus, the scribe appears as a device for copying, a machine-machine in which human emotions, feelings, fatigue are absent. The request for any other operations and activities encounters a stubborn refusal - I would not have preferred. Bartleby is an example of a dehumanized person, a machine that does not consume food, and for the owner of the office remains a mystery, what the scribe feeds on: he lives then, on ginger nuts, I thought; never eats dinner rightly; he should be a vegetarian, then, but no, he never eats even vegetables .

In tune, Melville will find an artistic embodiment of one of the theses of humanity - Bartleby as a human machine, a man-machine. The story shows the appearance of Bartleby - the coming of a new man deprived of emotions, sympathies, human feelings. The inner world of Bartleby, his experiences remain a mystery to both the reader and the reader.

The image of Bartleby is also interpreted in the context of the nihilist model of utilitarianism, according to which, "things are not even regarded as objects, because their only important quality was their readiness for use." The situation with Bartleby, modeled in the Melville novel of Germany, can be represented in the terminology of utilitarianism as "a thing that is fit or not usable." By refusing to carry out its functions, Bartleby turns into an unproductive machine that is unsuitable for the use of the thing you want to get rid of. In the figure of Bartleby's scribe, Hermann Melville embodies the image of a mechanistic man. Thus, we can literally describe a person's manifestation of post-humanism with characteristics such as the merger of a person with a car, whose function of thought is reduced, the lack of communication and the atrophied speech function.

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