Mrs. Miller

The Incarnation of a poor mother who gave up parental rights over her children. Daisy and Randolph flee to Europe and do nothing to stop their excesses. She even encourages her daughter to go to Chillon Castle with Winterbourne. Even at the end of the story he remains forgotten; her daughter is dying, and her main concern seems to be related to Daisy and Giovanelli or not. Winterbourne reports that Mrs. Miller is a sick nurse in Daisy's time, but it's too late. Their lack of choice has already led to fatal results. Mrs. Miller knew about the dangers of the “Roman fever,” but she could not give her daughter the advice she needed to save her again and again. Since Henry James doesn’t reveal Mrs. Miller’s reaction to Daisy’s death, it’s hard to say whether her character has changed as a result of the tragedy.

Ms. Miller, mother Daisy, was supposed to be dealing with a chronic illness and a daughter who apparently did not seem interested in a person's wishes. Ms. Miller has sleep problems and also problems with her son Randolph. She is an ineffective woman who calls a courier to sleep. Winterbourne gives some indication of her shocking inefficiency with Daisy. Ms. Miller likes to discuss her illnesses with those who appear to be interested and often refers to Drs. Davis, a doctor from Schenectady. She is married to a wealthy and absent American merchant, Mr. Miller, who stays in Schenectady while his wife and two children travel to Europe. When her daughter gets worse, Mrs. Miller seems to become an effective nurse, and it seems that Winterbourne’s view of her is changing.

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Mrs. Miller in the Essays