Rose Mary Walls

Mother to Jeannette and her siblings, and the daughter of Grandma Smith from Phoenix. From childhood, she originally wanted to be an artist, but her mother convinced her to get a teaching certificate.

She spends much of her time working on various artistic projects, though never ones that can support the family. Rose life freedom and values self-sufficiency.

She is selfish, she also loves her family, but her own needs are more important to her. Mom always said that people are too worried about their children. Some of the sufferings in childhood is useful, she claimed. Suffering activates the body's and soul's immune system, and that's why she ignored her children when they cried. She believed that if you jump too much around the child when he or she is upset, he will be even more capricious because such increased attention will serve as a positive reinforcement of negative behavior.

And it seemed that she did not worry about the death of Mary Charlene, her daughter, who died when she was just ten months. "God knows what he is doing," she explained. "He gave me some beautiful children and gave me one child who was not so beautiful."

Sometimes Mom treats her children as peripheral to her life, considering them a distraction and refusing even to ensure they get enough to eat.

Rose did not really like cooking. She said: "Why do I need to spend half a day at the stove, preparing a meal that will disappear in an hour, when during this time I can draw an immortal picture?" Once a week she cooked a large fish casserole with rice, and more often - with beans. All next week children ate this dish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If the food began to deteriorate, they simply added more pepper to it.

But she can also be emotionally wise and compassionate: she always takes the side of the victim, as she believes people have the power to make their lives whatever they want it to be.

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Rose Mary Walls in the Essays