Mr. Thomas Gradgrind

This character is depicted as the one of rather high intelligence level as well as the multi-perspective one from the point of view of his main activity. He is passionately in love with the business, though, Mr. Gradgrind is one of the middle-class branches. It is worth noting that his ideas are exclusively embracing the sphere of education which is of the utmost importance for him since he is the School Board Superintendent. From the very first sight, this character manages cold facts and is concerned with number rates. Such a rigid attitude to his deeds can be explained through his willingness to make profit on everything.

His physical description, style, manner of delivering speech can be described as highly didactic, conservative and non-emotional. In the text, a reader may find several cases of reference to square form. It describes the personality of our character who adores numbers and scheduled timetable of a day. Mr. Gradgrind is the father of a big family since he has got five children. The choice of children’s names is firmly not typical since they are named after outstanding utilitarians whom he respects.

Ch. Dickens was against the factual education, and he developed his character in such a way which reflects contrary ideas to his own. Therefore the character of Mr. Gradgrind votes for such a system of education which is based on facts, mathematical consideration and strict measures. He denied creativity and emotional component in education; moreover, he excludes teaching and upbringing morality which, later, reflects in the future of his children. They calculate everything in their personal life which damages their lives in adulthood. As a result, everyone takes in limitations of educational ideas and, especially, Mr. Thomas Grandgrind. This character shows the progress of thinking till the story’s end.

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Mr. Thomas Gradgrind in the Essays