Young Jerry

This cute little boy is the son of Jerry Cruncher and Mrs. Cruncher. As well as about his parent we don’t know a lot. But he is an important part of a plot. This boy was growing up as a happy kid, with his dreams and desires. He likes his mom and dad and is always happy to help them.

One day he gets interested in what his dad is doing, he was asking again and again, but dad didn’t answer. One day he decided to go after him, to see what job is he doing, and when the night came, he came after his father. Suddenly he finds himself on the cemetery, and he was in a horrifying terror to see what his dad did. He was opening a grave of Roger Cly. By the way, Cly's missing body will play an important part in the plot in later chapters. A "resurrection man" (grave robber) perverts the idea of resurrection. Rather than bringing the dead back to life, resurrection men sell stolen body parts to doctors.

After everything, he saw young Jerry ran away and didn’t sleep for the rest of the night thinking about it. On the next day he came to the dad and said that he wants to become just like him. Maybe, that night absolutely broke his physics as he said so.

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Young Jerry in the Essays