Ambition in Macbeth

Theme of Ambition in Macbeth I have no spur To prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself And falls on the other. 1. Ambition – central to the play- as, coupled with moral weakness, it’s Macbeth’s tragic flaw, causing his fatal errors, the hamertia that brings about his own destruction. 2. It’s unusual – his ambition is a fascinating blend of desire and deep awareness of the full extent of his crime. This results in vacillation. His terrible intent is horrific, it even horrifies Macbeth himself. As the idea grows, so does his fear.

The moral ambivalence that causes him to consider the murder also acts as a restraint. His moral weakness caused him to consider murdering Duncan, This weakness also sees him attempting to back out. 3. (a) It is unlikely that he would have proceeded from hidden desire to seizing power, without influences. Firstly, the witches. They play on his ambition and moral weakness. (b) This development brings about the letter to his wife. This creates a new influence. Nothing unusual about this ambition - his wife is determined, seduced by the prospect of power and monarchy.

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She knows her husband, and realises the moral obstacles. She also knows she can overcome them. She possesses none of his awareness – and quickly suppresses her own moral difficulties. Her ambition is ruthless, fuelled by an irrepressible force of will. Her unscrupulous nature repeatedly clashes with his lack of conviction and she emerges stronger. 4. Banquo’s immediate dismissal of the witches is in strong contrast to Macbeth, indicating the innocent conscience of Banquo and the guilty ambition, the seed in Macbeth’s mind. However, Banquo finds this also fuels his ambition.

Banquo’s handling of temptation reveals much about Macbeth. His role as a foil to Macbeth highlight’s Macbeth’s guilty conscience, and shows the reaction of an innocent man. Macbeth’s intentions were well underway before this encounter. Banquo subsequently struggles with the witches’ prediction. But he prays, he discusses it openly, he knows it is wrong and chooses to overcome temptation. This makes Macbeth’s choice clearer – while Macbeth also struggles, he chooses his course of action too. 5. (a) It was his choice but looks like fate…..

The consequences of ambition appear like fate – much in the play suggests Macbeth had no choice. Predictions, hallucinations, voices, influences and irony all indicate his path was laid out for him. But this is deceptive. Macbeth’s choice of regicide has immediate and irreversible consequences, not least on himself. His vacillation, guilt and remorse, change the kingdom, bringing disturbance and chaos. But Macbeth changes too. We see a fulcrum moment in Act II, Scene iii. Had I but died an hour before this chance , I had lived a blessed time; He now embraces the equivocation – he must.

He looks the innocent flower, but is the serpent beneath. He must. The chaos he unleashed can only be controlled by the return of the King. Macbeth is condemned to preside over a kingdom of chaos and disorder. The fruits of his ambition are ironically announced by the drunken porter. It is indeed a gate into hell. (b) Ironic fruits The banquet scene develops our understanding of this new regime. Equivocation, subterfuge, increased violence all reveal the ironic fruits of “vaulting ambition. ” Macbeth’s mind is “full of scorpions”.

Sleep, Lady Macbeth tells us, has evaded him. Their efforts have not yielded them greatness, it has cost them greatness. The reversal means Macbeth’s noble character, so celebrated in Act 1, Scenes ii and iv, is also part of the cost. All observers condemn him now: Banquo (3:1), Macduff (2:4), Lennox (3:6) and Malcolm (4:3). The golden opinions from all sorts of people, Which would be worn now in their newest gloss, Not cast aside so soon, all too soon becomes Angus’ observation does he feel his title Hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe Upon a dwarfish thief. . Easier to manipulate… Macbeth’s return to the witches, seeking reassurance, is the ultimate compliment to their manipulative powers. Ambition has brought him from a position of honour to their plaything. His fall from grace is highlighted by his diminished awareness. He fails to recognise how he’s being manipulated, a far cry from the tortured awareness of Act 1. Infected be the air whereon they ride; And damn'd all those that trust them! 7. Awareness of futility… He recognises, in Act IV, the futility of his ambitions.

He risked it all, even his soul, and mine eternal jewel Given to the common enemy of man. Now he sees it has all been for nothing. His dearest partner in greatness now suffers, alone, ironically aware now of what she repressed earlier, and suffering remorse that Macbeth’s ambition and subsequent fear have crushed. “All’s but toys”, the equivocation of Act II, Scene iii, now rings with terrible truth – “Out, out”, Act IV, Scene V, and “I ‘gin to be weary of the sun”. 8. Recovery of our sympathy… The witches’ equivocation and manipulation is revealed to Macbeth in Act 5, Scene 8.

But the real revelation is Macbeth’s tragic flaw, which he finally sees - his own moral weakness, coupled with his vaulting ambition. A noble, powerful leader dared to step beyond the limits of human understanding – and paid a terrible price. While we abhor his tyranny, cruelty and selfishness, we still must acknowledge that he ‘dared’ and that took sublime courage. It is this courage that has him fight to the death on the battlefield, but without his previous conviction. He dies, fully aware of his own tragic flaw, knowing he has lost everything – for nothing.

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