Macbeth characters

Macbeth is a Scottish general, and he is also the Thane of Glamis. He is a very courageous and authoritative soldier, but he has dirty thoughts in his head. One of these thoughts was the killing of the king, in order to occupy his place of honor. His wife thirsts for dominion constantly prompting...
Banquo is a very brave and noble general. As said by the prediction of sisters, it is his kids who must receive the royal throne. Banquo trusts this divination is full of ambition, just like Macbeth. Hence, unlike Macbeth, he does absolutely nothing. He is a reproach to Macbeth because unlike him...
Malcom is the eldest son of the late Duncan. Following the killing of his father, he and his brother realize that they are in danger. They make a decision to run away to the different places for their safety. At the beginning of the play, Malcom doubted his strength. Although, when he accepts aid...
Macduff is a Scottish nobleman who is dedicated to King Duncan and hates the terrible kingdom of Macbeth. This brave and intelligent man runs away from Scotland and offers his help to the King's son, Malcom. Nevertheless, there is no limit to Macbeth's brutality and violence, Macduff finds...
She is the wife of the general Macbeth. This woman has strong ambitions and thirsts for power and status. She is merciless and cruel, pushes her husband to kill the king and capture the throne. At the beginning of the play, the passion burns between the spouses, and Lady Macbeth uses it to guide...
Donalbain is the younger son of the late King Duncan. After the murder of his father, the brothers realize that they too can be in hazard, since they are the inheritors. Despite the fact that they are direct inheritors, they distinguish that they will not get power so simply. Malcolm asks his...
Siward is a General of the British Army and Earl of Northumberland. Since he is Duncan's brother, he proclaims the British army against Macbeth. Soldiers of his army are masked by the branches from Birnam Wood, making the prophecy of the witches. The witches claimed that Macbeth would fall...
Three sisters, three witches never separate from each other. They are always near, talking to each other. Most likely the first witch is the leader of their magic trio. She has the opportunity to look into the past and ask questions. This witch is a very vindictive person. She is the master of the...
The Second Witch has a capability that allows her to talk only about the present-day, not about the past or the future. She can also control the winds as well as her sisters. She has a close toad friend, who is called Paddock. Without the direct motives described in the play, one can see their...
The Third Witch has the opportunity to portend the future. Like all the sets, she can command the winds. It is also very difficult to determine their sex because they have beards. The witch tells Macbeth that no man who was born from a woman can defeat him. By this prophecy, witches have assured...
King Duncan rules Scotland and he has two sons. He is a very kind person, father, and ruler. In his country, the discipline reigns, the nation considers him a conscientious ruler. Though, his excessive subjugation and openness ruined him. He was betrayed by General Macbeth, who resolved to kill...