Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Relationship

The happiest relationship and the highest degree of compatibility is love at the level of the divine, higher values. But what if the relationship is driven only by a common desire for power? In the tragedy “Macbeth” there is a married who are the main villains, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. 

Through their deeds, the author shows how harmful are the evil and the evil thoughts that can seize human souls. At first, we can see an insanely loving couple. However, gradually their ambitions push away their feelings. Feelings began to be driven out by their own ambitions and obsession with ambition

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In this couple, they are almost like each other, driven by obsession and ambitiousness. Hence, their common features have weighty dissimilarities. The ambitiousness for Macbeth is a passion with which his soul and morality constantly fight. But for his mate, ambitiousness is the blind obsession and constant thirst.

He loves his wife for the astonishing feminine beauty, and she loves her partner because he excels others. She does not crave the usual joy of love like all women; it is vital for this woman that her man became the first and exalted them both.
Lady Macbeth is very strongminded and fierce in contradistinction to her partner. If he is struggling internally with his morality, then she remains always unshakable. She is an iron woman, the personification of the devil in a beautiful female form. Macbeth is clearly aware of the crime of his actions, for her, no moral stoppers do exist.

They have significant differences in their nature, despite the similarities. If she is neither in heart nor her mind able to realize that she has transgressed the line of humankind, then nature herself is indignant in her. She violated her laws and paid for it with madness.

Emptiness was devastated by her long before it happened to Macbeth. All in this lady is soulless - her beauty, femininity, love, ambitiousness and her insanity. That's why it does not arouse sympathy for the readers for a single moment.

Lady Macbeth is the most concentrated the personification of wicked that has taken hold of a human being. Hence, she causes a cold estrangement. She is perceived as being of a different breed than people are. This is even more so because she is a woman. The most beautiful thing that we habitually associate with femininity, love, and motherhood is betrayed by her in the name of the specter of authority and illusory greatness. Her love is directed only to induce Macbeth to commit a crime and take possession of the crown. This woman is even capable of killing her child if it is essential to obtain a throne.

The author showed us a human vice, a thirst for greatness and cruelty. He showed us a conspiracy of the married, who seemed to be moving in one direction but to achieve own goals. The egoism, madness, cruelty, and obsession pierced them to the very bottom.

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