MWDS Fahrenheit 451

AP English Literature and Composition MAJOR WORKS DATA SHEET Title: Fahrenheit 451 Author: Ray Bradbury Date of Publication: 1953 Genre: Science Fiction Biographical Information about the Author Ray Bradbury was born August 22, 1920 in Waukegan, Illinois. As a child he was into very mystical entertainment and writings. At 12 or 13 he started writing his own pieces. After high school he couldn’t afford college because they had no money it this was the time during the depression so he pent 3 days out of the week for 10 years in the library. He died June 5, 2012 in L. A. , California.

Historical Information about the period of publication -During the time of WWII and Nazis were burning books -The atomic bomb was created in this time period -Reading levels were starting to go down because of the television and its strong impact on society Characteristics of the Genre -Science fiction makes predictions about life in the future or in an alternative world. -addresses the issues that society has and is usually blunt about Plot Summary Guy Montag is a fireman in charge of burning books and destroying anything and everything that has to do with knowledge and literature. Montag soon meets Clarisse and realizes that the knowledge and the world around him are different than what society says that it is. He then craves the knowledge and starts stealing the books from the houses that they are burning down.

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Later becoming friends with professor Faber, Montag is growing in his knowledge and creating a plan to take down the head fireman, Captain Beatty. Soon Beatty finds out what Montag has been doing and tries to expose him by making him burn is own house down. Montag later died trying to do so and Montag runs as a fugitive down the river where he meets a lot of people similar to himself. Montag then finds himself enjoying the group of intellectuals like himself and discovers that the city that he fled has been bombed so they decide to go back to the city.

Describe the author’s style An example that demonstrates that style -He uses strong vocabulary but easily understood so he can easily get his point across. -Strong use of symbols and metaphors -Strong sentence structures but occasionally uses fragments to add onfusion -“I don’t think I’d like that” he said. -“He said hello and then said, “What are you up to now”” -“She smiled as she saw Montag. ” -“I’m still crazy. The rain feels good. I love to walk in it. ” Memorable Quotes Quotation Significance Characters Name Role in the Story Significance Adjectives Guy Montag Protagonist Main character, Fireman that likes knowledge, creator of change -curious Clarisse Girl who Montag meets in the beginning of the story Clarisse starts Montag’s passion for literature and knowledge -hidden Captain Beatty Antagonist Captain of the firemen and he's the one who discovers Montag’s secret and tries to make him burn down his own house -confused Faber Montag’s mentor Helps Montag’s knowledge grow and gives him a different understanding and a safe haven to read and learn -free spirited.

Setting Significance of opening scene Montag is brainwashed up until the point where he meets Clarisse and then his new curiosity blossoms. Clarisse sparks a new flame in Montag and it makes him question everything he has been doing throughout his life as a fireman. Significance of ending/closing scene They go back to the city that has originally pushed hem away because of their passion for knowledge. This scene is significant because before the bomb they were outcasts but now they can go back to the destroyed city and live peacefully without being wanted. Symbols Fire- control over the people Mechanical Hounds- more control over the people and fear into the hearts of the law breakers Books- truth and knowledge about the world and the people around them Salamander- The symbol as the master of the fire Old AP Questions Possible Themes Life isn’t always what it is portrayed as to the public. Knowing oneself is a great journey with endless self-discovery.

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