The Imagery in “Animal Farm”

The farm in G. Orwell’s story “Animal Farm” is isolated and conserved from the outside world and belongs exclusively to its inhabitants. This is not just a farm; this farm is an allusion to the formation of the Soviet Union. In turn, the imagery of the story refers the reader to the real-life politicians of that time. Artistic images of the main personages have either clerical images or generalized prototypes (Nicholas II, Lenin, Stalin,)

A pig named Old Major becomes a prophet of the rebellion on a farm. Unlike other pigs, he wants animals to be free and equal. This dream makes him more of a positive character. Under this character, the author meant V. Lenin. Napoleon is one of the main personages in the story. In the beginning, he is a hero, leader of the insurrection and one of the founders of the animal philosophy of Animalism. After the revolution, he seizes individual power, uses fierce dogs, executes the animals which he accuses of dissent. Aggressive Napoleon, no doubt, is a copy of I. Stalin, during the reign of which a similar cult was created.

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Worker-horse, nicknamed Boxer symbolizes the working class, who sees the only opportunity to improve his life through everyday work. The more complex the situation on the farm becomes, the stronger the horse harnesses into the work. A horse gives credence to a Comrade Napoleon, but every time he goes to the construction site, spending on it both his working and personal time.

The hens are forced to give their eggs for sale (so that Napoleon can replenish the corps of the hungry farm with the money he has received) and periodically die from internal riots, then from slander to themselves (several birds are executed). They are a symbolic image of the Soviet peasantry.

The dissident layer of the society is the old donkey Veniamin - often silent, but periodically revealing the animals’ eyes to the actions of the authorities (for example, when the van of the knackers takes away from the farm of the sick Boxer). It is this hero who understands the essence of what is happening at the farm best of all.

The clergy in the story of Orwell was embodied in the artistic image of the favorite of Mr. Jones - the hand-raven of Moses (another speaking name, indicating the biblical basis of the character). With this hero, the reader meets twice: before the rebellion of animals (the times of the Russian Empire and the flowering of Orthodoxy) and after the Fight under the windmill (partial revival of Orthodoxy after the end of the Great Patriotic War).

The ending of this story can be called prophetic: Orwell, without knowing it, predicted the gradual formation of the USSR on the path of capitalism. With this work, George Orwell emphasizes that in human nature there is something animal. However, there is also a human nature in it - what makes a person a Man even on the last verge of the highest despair and the most painful pain, when death seems to be a desired happiness in comparison with life. Man becomes a pig as a result of his own choice.

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