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Elizabeth Lavenza in Frankenstein

In her Introduction to the 1831 edition of Frankenstein, Mary Shelly characterized her revisions as “principally those of style” and added that she had not “introduced any new ideas and circumstances” or altered the story’s “core and substance. ” After...

867 words

Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus

 A modern day Prometheus is somebody that defies the Gods and does something that only they can do. Victor Frankenstein, from ‘Frankenstein’ by Mary Shelley, is considered to be a modern day Prometheus at that time. Prometheus, a Titan, was the first person that started this...

549 words

Scout Character Analysis of "To Kill A Mockingbird"

In the novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird", the character Scout plays an important role; Harper Lee portrays her as straightforward, abrupt, impulsive, and even just plain rude. One example of this is when Scout says, "He anti company, Cal, he's Just a Cunningham," (Lee 24) In reference to when Walter...

296 words

Is the creature in frankenstein Adam or Satan?

Is the creature in Frankenstein Adam or Satan ? In Frankenstein, Mary Shelley , one of the big questions is : . . 'Is Frankenstein's creature in Adam or Satan I'll answer this question in this essay I will begin to show the similarities that the creator of Adam and Satan. We will see...

418 words

'To Kill A Mockingbird' by Harper Lee

When the author Is choosing the title of a novel, they have to make sure it stands out, but is still relevant to the story, it also has to evoke interest in someone who casually looks at the book. It has to hint at what the story is about, but not give it all away. Harper Lee is successful in this...

708 words

Role of Letters in Frankenstein

?The role of letters and communication in the novel “Frankenstein”. Within the novel, the character Victor Frankenstein is known to want glory and recognition for making the greatest contribution to science, and the letters provided in the novel are part of Frankenstein’s legacy because they share...

594 words

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Scout Finch. "To Kill a Harper Lee uses many great writing techniques to create vivid characters in "To Kill a Mockingbird". One of the most defined characters as well as Interesting Is Scout Finch, the young daughter of Attic's and loving sister to Gem. Scout is a girl full of many qualities...

761 words

Comparison essay of Shakespeare's Tragedy of King Lear to Kurosawa's Ran

The film RAN and the play The Tragedy of King Lear can be related to each other in many ways. Kurosawa was able to produce a film that was a valid, effective and relevant portrayal of Shakespeare's play. The first way is in how they relate to each other on a plot based theme. The second way is how...

960 words

How does the text "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

The text, "To kill a mockingbird" broadens our understanding of people and the world around us. It does that by presenting to the reader a number of important Issues which are relevant to us today. These issues include racism, prejudice, and the co- existence of good and evil. Racism is an...

957 words

Frankenstein: Innocence to monster

?Frankenstein: Creature to Monster In the book, Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley, the creature transforms immensely. In the genesis of the novel the creature felt very alone which started to make him feel very frustrated. As the story proceeds, he evolved into the monster everyone set out to...

432 words

Attcius Finch in "To Kill A Mockingbird"

Attic's Finch, a lawyer, is a very compassionate person, and a person who is not afraid to challenge the unwritten laws of the South. In the trial of Tom Robinson, Attic's decides to defend Tom to the best of his ability. Attic's is given the trial by the Judge and has the choice to defend Tom or...

971 words

Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus

The Modern Prometheus When Mary Shelley’ “Frankenstein” rose to fame, literary critics sparked fierce debates concerning whether the main character, Victor Frankenstein, was influenced by the Greek myth of Prometheus. While Victor and Prometheus both created their own version of humans, their...

984 words

"To Kill A Mockingbird": Appearance versus Reality

"To Kill A Mockingbird": Appearance versus Reality BY ill_footy-g Appearance versus reality is a major theme in the novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. There are many Incorrect perceptions in the town of Macomb county which Include Gem and Scout's opinion of their father, Gem's judgment of Mrs.. Dubos...

646 words

Victor Frankenstein and his Secrets

? Compare/Contrast Essay Victor and His Secrets Audiences see two different versions of the same character, Victor Frankenstein, in the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and Kevin Conner’s film Frankenstein. In the novel, the character Victor Frankenstein is very secretive about his creation...

691 words

Atticus Finch's portrayal in "To Kill A Mockingbird"

Attic's Finch lived In a time In Southern Alabama when a system of segregation and bitter racism was enforced by law kept African Americans from achieving equality or Improving themselves. White people were told that they were above black people. Attic's had no such prejudice which was unrealistic...

986 words

Revenge in Hamlet and Frankenstein

Both Hamlet and Frankenstein deal with the concept of revenge. In a well-organized essay discuss the importance of revenge as a central theme in either Frankenstein OR Hamlet . Avoid mere plot summary. You must provide strong textual references to support your ideas. The revenge theme came in both...

433 words

King Lear - Discuss the role of the fool in King Lear and his function in the unfolding of the plot.

In 'King Lear', the Fool is a character of dramatic importance in the play. The Fool helps the reader, and in Shakespeare's time would help the audience, to understand what lies beneath the surface of certain actions or verses. He equally strives to make Lear 'see'. The Fool...

686 words

Human Nature in "To Kill a Mockingbird"

In "To Kill a Mockingbird", Harper Lee's general view of human nature Is negative. She points out the fact that all people have bad qualities. One instance in "To Kill a Mockingbird" in which Harper Lee shows the bad in people is when Bob Lowell is at Tom Robinsons trial. He knows that Tom...

345 words

King Lear - Do you think the main plot and sub plot run parallel in King Lear. Discuss?

Deception and lies are what makes King Lear a tragedy. The play is a result, of the consequences triggered off by lies and falsehoods that were told in King Lea's family, as well as in the family of the Earl of Gloucester. In this play, Shakespeare added a sub-plot to the main-plot and both...

792 words

Macchiavellian theories in "King Lear".

William Shakespeare's "King Lear" has within it many Machiavellian theories. This is evident once we examine the characters of Edmund, Goneril, and Regan. The Machiavellian principles relating to politics, ethics, and virtue are exemplified throughout "King Lear" play by these three characters...

948 words

Themes in Frankenstein

Shelley uses multiple narrators, nested and frame narratives and an epistolary style to tell the story of Frankenstein. Comment on the effect of these and why she may have done this. Mary Shelly’s novel “Frankenstein” was written in 1818. The author uses different types of...

866 words

Courage in To Kill a Mockingbird Book title

Courage, you have probably heard of this word before but what does It actually mean? Well, according to dictionary. Com, an online dictionary, courage means the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc. , without fear. In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird...

932 words

To Kill a Mockingbird: Scout Finch

Mr. Dollops Raymond, etc.. However, Scout Finch is a character that has sparked my interest. The novel is written from Scout's point of view. Scout is a young girl who has a very interesting train of thought, capturing my attention with her blunt, naive point of view. Along with the capturing story...

631 words

Class System in Frankenstein

The class system in the Romantic era in England was mainly based upon the House of Lords being at the top and in control and then the House of Commoners which included everyone else. The Monarch was the King and Queen and they were above all on the class system and that is still true in their...

544 words

Courage (To Kill A Mockingbird)

The dictionary definition for courage is- Courage is the quality of mind that enables one to face danger or difficulty with confidence, resolution, and gain a firm control of oneself. Many of the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird show courage in their own way. Courage can come in many different...

695 words

To kill a mockingbird & Mississippi Burning

Repetitive Rants & Repulsive Racism Racial Outbursts continue to shake and shock us. Is this generation repeating the mistakes of the past? Written by Brooke Barrett Horrible history continues to repeat itself. Blatant in your face racist acts are being committed on a dally basis. Just when we...

501 words

MWDS Fahrenheit 451

AP English Literature and Composition MAJOR WORKS DATA SHEET Title: Fahrenheit 451 Author: Ray Bradbury Date of Publication: 1953 Genre: Science Fiction Biographical Information about the Author Ray Bradbury was born August 22, 1920 in Waukegan, Illinois. As a child he was into very mystical...

705 words

To Kill A Mockingbird Essay Topics

With these words Attic's Informs Scout of his life-altering task of standing up to the prejudice and racism that pervades the sleepy southern town that was Macomb, Alabama In the sass's. Discuss the effects of racism on Macomb citizens such as Tom and Helen Robinson, California, Scout, Gem, Dill...

264 words

Fahrenheit 451 Argumentative Essay

When you look around at the children of today, what do you see? Most likely, you see kids absorbed by cell phones, iPads, portable video games, and other electronic devices. How often, however, do you see a child consumed by a book? It’s probable that the occurrence of such is rare. More...

515 words

To Kill a Mockingbird

Kindness Is conveyed In many ways. Firstly, Gem shows kindness by Inviting Walter Cunningham home for lunch. Gem proclaims, "Come on home to dinner with u Walter" (30). After Scout fights Walter Cunningham, Gem decides to set a good example by inviting Walter over for lunch. Lee uses tone to...

256 words

To Kill A Mockingbird Question Answers

Harper Lee describes the school setting and Southern cult ere to better understand the story and Its plot. Lee describes deep divisions between the people n Macomb, divisions that the everyone In the town Is aware of. For example, when Scout's first gar dad teacher, MISS Caroline, is new to Macomb...

682 words

Fahrenheit 451 Guy Montag is a fireman who's job is to burn books

We are reading a classic bestseller by Ray Bradbury entitled Fahrenheit 451. Guy Montag is a fireman who's job is to burn books. Guy violates the rules by starting to read this makes many people mad. There is now a whole bunch of problems throughout the department and at home. Each one of the...

546 words

To Kill A MockingBird Essay

Cole O'Connor Prompt: From the novel from to kill a mockingbird choose either Scout or Attic's and In a five paragraph essay explain how the author uses this character to develop the theme or subject of prejudice. Thesis In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, the theme of prejudice is developed...

477 words

Character Analysis from Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451"

Dynamic Character In the novel, Fahrenheit 451, the main character, Guy Montag, qualifies as a dynamic character. A dynamic character is, by definition, a character that undergoes important changes throughout the course of the novel. Because he goes through a metamorphosis as he struggles through...

362 words

King Lear Self Discovery Essay

?King Lear- Self Reflection More than anything else, journeys are about the challenge of self- reflection. A man's journey to self-reflection is inevitably difficult. One will not become completely self-aware until he is able to see the world clearly. This un-blinding will only occur once the...

945 words

'To Kill A Mockingbird' and the Nature of Courage

What do you think this novel has to say about the nature of courage? Courage is the state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitude des with self-possession, confidence, and resolution. According to Attic's Finch, "Courage Is when you know you're licked...

579 words

Character Analysis of Guy Montag in Fahrenheit 451

The novel's protagonist, Guy Montag, takes pride in his work with the fire department. A third-generation fireman, Montag fits the stereotypical role, with his 'black hair, black brows... fiery face, and ... blue-steel shaved but unshaved look. ' Montag takes great joy in his work and...

835 words

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay

In the novel, MISS Maude displays to Gem and Scout: positivist, empathy, and tells them not to harm the Innocent: while Aunt Alexandra teaches mostly Scout to keep calm even in difficult situations, to put your family first, ND to comfort those who are going through a difficult time. Miss Maude...

656 words

King Lear

King Lear Final Paper 1. The theme of this play is the relationship between parents and children. Show how Shakespeare handled this. As how Shakespeare portrayed the parent-child relationship, he diverted it in aspects of how their ruler, King Lear, was mistreated by his own children after his...

797 words

Fahrenheit 451 Symbolism-the River

In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, Montag's escape through the river svmbolizes his salvation, along with several other things. . In several other instances besides the river, water is used to contrast fire and to thus show the difference between good and evil. Also, the forest through...

637 words

nothing in king lear

The Reality that is Nothing: A look in to the theme of Nothing I in King Lear King Lear is one of Shakespeare’s many tragedies, The Tragedy of King Lear begins with King Lear desiring to step down from the throne, he chooses to divide the kingdom up amongst his three daughters. In order for them...

943 words

Chapter to kill a mockingbird

Narrator/Scout: as I explained to cal what all happened that night she listened with her full attention. And when I had told cal everything I couldn't help to just hug her. Cal: it's all right scout. I'm Just happy hall are okay. Would have been terrified. Narrator/scout: cal and heard...

726 words

Why Fahrenheit 451 should not be banned from school?

Dear School Board,I hope that after careful consideration and thought that the board will decide not to ban Fahrenheit 451. I understand that the book contains language that might be offensive to some people. Still, I do not think a student should be sent to a public school if they are easily...

625 words

To Kill A Mockingbird Passage Quiz

The book 'To Kill a Mockingbird' written by Harper Lee has a naive point of view of life in the Americas in the sass, during the time of the memorable event of 'the great depression'. The novel has an innocent story that is told through the eyes Scout Finch. Scout is a young girl...

587 words

Fahrenheit 451: Guy Montag And People Who Influenced Him

Fahrenheit 451 takes place in the future in a time where such ridiculous things as reading books, driving slowly, and walking outside are prohibited and the job of firemen involves burning books. The main character, Guy Montag, is one of the many firemen and he expects respect from people because...

674 words

The Outsiders Essay Johnny Change

Can He “Stay Gold” or is He Gone? Changes are subtle, but when observed closely, they can be spotted easily. It is just as if an ant is under a microscope, so that people can see a scar on one of its legs. That is the case with the characters in the book, The Outsiders, by S. E Hinton...

810 words

Outline over Fahrenheit 451

Outline over Farenheit 451 I. Characters A) Guy Montag 1. A third-generation fireman. 2. Tries to find the meaning of books instead of burning them. B) Mildred Montag 1. Montag's brittle, sickly looking wife. 2. Obsessed with television and hates getting in frank conversation with her husband...

736 words

"Fahrenheit 451": letter to Beatty from Guy Montag

Dear Beatty, You have frustrated me with your ignorance. You are trying to brainwash me into being like you. You think everyone should be the same. Do you actually think this makes us happy? Unity doesn't come from uniformity; unity comes from diversity. People's skills and ideas need to...

421 words

King Lear Journey Analysis

?Changes are a facet of journeys. Whether they are big or small, they denote what we once were, what we are, and have the ability to forecast what we will become. Journeys can be positive or negative, controllable or uncontrollable, physical or emotional. Regardless of their form, one thing is...

803 words

Essay on the outsiders in the play "Othello"

Shakespeares Othello is considered an outsider within renaissance Venice. He is an outsider who is clever and certain in military matters but is socially insecure. He is demonized by the European society because of his fixed ideas, racial and cultural differences. Within the play, Othello is...

880 words