William Faulkner was a man of various dispositions and he instilled within his characters the life in its various vicissitudes and disparities. He was born in 1897 after the civil war, the time when Southern part of America was tarnished and devastated by its own historical image. He subtly...
1 755 words
Political Satire: Absalom and Achitophel, Part I. It would not serve any purpose to dwell upon the general morigeration of Dryden, who, in this as in other respects, was “hurried down” the times in which he lived, to the leaders of politics and fashion, to the king’s ministers, favourites and...
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Tema N3 : John Bunyan – (Religious background): John Bunyan (28 November 1628 – 31 August 1688) was an English Christian writer and preacher, who is well known for his book The Pilgrim's Progress. John Bunyan was born in 1628 to Thomas and Margaret Bunyan, in Bunyan's End in the parish of Elstow...
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Satire is a form of literature, the proclaimed purpose of which is the reform of human weaknesses or vices through laughter or disgust. Satire is different from scolding and sheer abuse, though it is prompted by indignation. Its aim is generally constructive, and need not arise from cynicism or...
1 181 words
John Dryden’s Absalom and Achitophel has long been established as a manifestation of the intricate fabric of patriarchal scheme of the Restoration monarchy. Generations of critics have found it as an extremely intriguing territory, swiftly trafficking with the contemporary socio-political...
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There has been a lot of ink spilled on the comparison’s between Toni Morrison’s novels and William Faulkner’s novels and justifiably so. Both have written stories about Americans dealing with the American problem of race relations. Morrison’s “Song of Solomon&rdquo...
3 131 words
Absalom and Achitophel is a landmark poetic political satire by John Dryden. The poem exists in two parts. The first part, of 1681, is undoubtedly by Dryden. The second part, of 1682, was written by another hand, most likely Nahum Tate, except for a few passages---including attacks on Thomas...
1 387 words
"Both Swift and Dryden are masters of satire. Usually the satire is directed against an opponent/enemy or a political process. Using references from one poem from each writer, discuss how and why each uses satire and wit as a cutting sword. " John Dryden and Jonathan Swift became remarkable...
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