Arms and the Man Essays

Text Analysis of “Arms and the Man”

This paper is a text analysis of George Bernard Shaw’s “Arms and the Man.” This play shall be examined on the following grounds: event, emotion, conflict, action, objective, need of the protagonist, relationships, circumstances, and environment, and character. To be able to accomplish such a huge...

2 595 words

Arms and the Man 3

Play analysis "Arms and the Man" By Bernard Shaw "Arms and the Man" starts with gunfire on a dark street in a small town. The romantic and willful Raina is about to begin her true-life adventure by sheltering the handsome fugitive Bluntschli, enemy of her equally handsome fiance Sergius The...

893 words

Comparison of Arms and the Man and Playboy of the Western World (Irish Literature)

George Bernard Shaw's Arms and the Man and John M. Synge's The Playboy of the Western World are two plays written around the turn of the century. Both Irish playwrights use humor in developing their plots while telling great tales of so-called heros. Though their writing style and language used...

1 367 words

Themes in 'Arms and the Man' by Bernard Shaw

The title 'Arms and the Man' derives from the opening lines of the popular epic of Virgil, 'Aeneid' : 'I sing of Arms and the Man' However, as Virgil highly praises war as described by its heroes, Shaw's aim in writing 'Arms and the Man' is to provide a more...

635 words

Arms and the Man

Characters Raina Petkoff Raina, the heroine of the play, is the only child of Major Petkoff and Catherine Petkoff. She is a "romantic" and had romantic notions of love and war. Catherine Petkoff Catherine Petkoff, Raina's mother, is a middle-aged affected woman, who wishes to pass off as a...

2 280 words

Arms and the Man Theme

George Bernard Shaw wrote Arms and the Man in 1893 during the victorian era when most plays were lighter dramas or comedies in the vein of The Importance of Being Earnest, which was a play about manners and other Victorian conventions. Still, in many ways, Arms and the Man, despite some of its...

2 928 words

Realism in Arms and the Man

Realism was a general movement in 19th-century theatre that developed a set of dramatic and theatrical conventions with the aim of bringing a greater fidelity of real life to texts and performances. It shared many stylistic choices with naturalism, including a focus on everyday (middle-class) drama...

1 571 words

Arms and the Man Essay

The title of Arms and The Man is chose after careful consideration. The title is both apt chosen attractive and the dramatist’s choices justified. It is an ironical reversal of Virgil’s original intention. Virgil in his famous epic The Aencid recounts the martial exploits and...

408 words

Arms and the Man

Criticism G. B. Saw’s Freedom actually is one of the series of radio talks delivered in 1935 on the B. B. C. As it was intended for the larger circles in their capacity as listeners, the lecture seems to be free from theoretical jargons. But Shaw can be very much deceptive in what he says. For...

7 323 words

Arms and the Man - Raina Petkoff

Raina is one of Shaw's most delightful heroines from his early plays. In the opening scenes of the play, she is presented as being a romantically idealistic person in love with the noble ideal of war and love; yet, she is also aware that she is playing a game, that she is a poseuse who enjoys...

518 words

Arms and the Man as a Problem Play

Bernard Shaw was a dramatist with a purpose. His purpose was to build up a kingdom of heaven on the face of the earth. He believes that God has given us a beautiful world that nothing but our folly keeps from being it a paradise. We entertain airy notion and fantastic emotion regarding all...

3 131 words

Arms and the Man Quotes with Page Number

“Soldiering, my dear madam, is the coward's art of attacking mercilessly when you are strong, and keeping out of harm's way when you are weak. That is the whole secret of successful fighting. Get your enemy at a disadvantage; and never, on any account, fight him on equal terms.” — Page 27 — “You...

84 words