Bonnie Clutter

The spouse of Herb for about five years. The woman has suffered a prolonged postpartum depression since the birth of her first child. With the birth of each subsequent, the symptoms of her depression worsened. As a result, her lifestyle turned into a reclusive one. She rarely went down to the guests, and in the time free from mental hospitals, she spent on the second floor, in her room. Because of her illness, she was alienated from her loved ones, which she regretted very much because she loved them very much and suffered from the fact that her depression affects both her children and husband.

At the end of her short life, she learned that her depression was the result of back problems, and if she had an operation, everything could fall into place. Unfortunately, this was not to be. Bonnie became the third victim of the murderers Perry and Dick.

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Bonnie Clutter in the Essays