
Clover is the closest friend of Boxer. This is a strong horse, used to daily hard work. Of all the characters, her mother's instinct is most inherent. Not known how to read, she's not ashamed to admit it. Nevertheless, her cleverness helps her to notice a lot of impartial things. For example, when pigs move to sleep in beds, she remembers the violation of the commandments. But Clover is humble, like many representatives of the working class. Describing her character, Orwell uses the phrase: “If she could speak her thoughts.” Such other animals, Clover cannot clearly formulate own opinion, which makes her a silent victim of the pigs’ power. She feels hypocrisy and meanness but is not able to inspire others to fight against them. Her fate is to remain faithful and hard-working horse, obeying orders, even among violence and blood.

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Clover in the Essays