Henry Clerval

Henry Clerval

Henry Clerval personifies the only support of Dr. Victor from the monster created by him. Their friendship began in childhood and continued into adulthood. He always admired the professor’s genius and inexhaustible imagination, detracting from own talents.

His temper is noble, humane and generous. Henry is famous for his kindness and tenderness for his wife and close friends. In a word, he is the absolute opposite of Victor, eager for recognition and power. The hero is not interested in science, trying to do the right things.

Henry may also become famous, but only as a patron of the arts. It is enough for him to realize that the planet has not descended from its axis. Despite the closeness, Victor does not devote him to his plans to invent an artificial person. But the insight of Clerval allows him to guess about a future catastrophe quickly. The hero respects an individual space of the scientist. Therefore he does not seek out about the experiments being conducted.

Henry embodies the passive beauty, selflessly believing in genius. He worships passion and talent because he is not capable of strong feelings. As a family doctor, he is worried about the fate of his patients. His short-sightedness leads to sad consequences. Finally, he pays his own life for sincerity and trust.

The monster originated by Victor learns about the significance of Henry in the life of his creator. Offended by the professor, Frankenstein kills the scientist's brother named, taking revenge for his humiliation. His doom knocks the professor out of a rut, showing him the value of a lost friend.

Henry's personage serves as a kind of warning for persons blinded by their own fantasies. Sometimes it needs to show rigidity and cunning, not to comply with humanism, for salvation. If Clerval had stopped his comrade on time, the family history could have been happier.

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Henry Clerval Quotes

I had rather be with you in your solitary rambles, than with these Scotch people whom I do not know; hasten the, my dear friend, to return, that I may again feel myself somewhat at home, which I cannot do in your absence.


My dear Frankenstein, how glad I am to see you! How fortunate that you should be here at the very moment of my alighting!

Henry Clerval in the Essays