The Emperor

We can clearly recognize the English King George I in this personage. His full name is Golbasto Momarem Evlame Gurdilo Shefin Mully Ully Gue, and he is the most powerful emperor of Lilliputians. He is the pleasure and horror of the universe, his possessions occupy about twelve miles, and spread to the extreme limits of the globe. He is the monarch over monarchs, the greatest son of humans, with his feet he rests against the center of the earth, and touches the sun with his head. When other kings see him, their knees are trembling. He is pleasant as spring, beneficent as summer, plentiful as autumn and harsh as winter. Unfortunately, he loves giving out all government positions and showers with the favors the most dexterous and amiable courtiers. He also has a special passion for military parades. The atmosphere of servility at his court causes direct associations with the England of that times, in the era of Jonathan Swift.

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The Emperor in the Essays