The Misfit

Under this name we immediately see a person who loves playing her/his role in this life, who didn’t find his route and role in life. According to the story, the Misfit has escaped from the Federal prison, and that is how we get met with him. We get acquainted when the Grandmother reads about him in the local newspaper. Later, his buddies kill Bailey and his family, and after that he kills Granny.

As we all know what a person was the grandmother, the first thing she always did was judging. When he came to her, he told that he was a very successful person, a gospel singer in the armed service; he was even married for two times. Also, he was an undertaker and a railroad worker. The Misfit’s philosophies may be deprived, but they are consistent. Unlike the grandmother, whose moral code falls apart the moment it’s challenged, the Misfit has a steady view of life and acts according to what he believes is right. He wasn’t old; his hair was just beginning to grey. The character is binary. At the one side he seems to be an evil, he says it by himself, but on the other side, according to his own words – he wasn’t much worse than other people.

His beliefs and actions are not moral in the conventional sense, but they are strong and consistent and therefore give him a strength of conviction that the grandmother lacks. The Misfit can rely on his own moral rights and beliefs; he understands where he was right and wrong. Unlike the grandmother who had no understanding of the life (of course she thought in another way). Luckily, at the last moments of her life, she finally gets to know his strength and her weaknesses. O’Connor called the Misfit a “prophet gone wrong,” and really, a person who made everything so accurate and live the life so correctly made a serious misstep.

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The Misfit in the Essays