Oedipus the King characters

Oedipus is the king of Thebes, married to Jocasta. He is unaware of everything. At the beginning of the story, he appears with murdering his father and sleeping with his mother. After some period, he realizes that while he did it, he put the kingdom into the terrible risk. Realizing that, he...
Well, this character is important in a dynamic of a text. Creon is Jocasta's brother, who shares one-third of Thebes's riches with Oedipus and Jocasta. He is a religious follower of the oracle of Apollo, and when the play opens, he is exactly returning from the prophet with the news that...
As well as other characters, this one is important too. Who is Jocasta? She is the wife and mother of Oedipus and queen of Thebes. Before marrying Oedipus, she was married to Laius. She commits suicide at the end of the play, perhaps because of feeling guilty. Why? Being young she left Oedipus to...
Teiresias is the blind soothsayer. He is always with a little boy who led him everywhere. He is the one who knows the truth about Oedipus's parents. Oedipus calls on him to find Laius's killer but becomes furious when Teiresias claims that Oedipus himself is the killer. Teiresias's...
The Chorus is an interesting thing in the text. It is a group of men who serve as an emotional sounding board and expositional device in the play, reflecting on the plot developments while asking important philosophical questions. The Chorus speaks as one person, but occasionally, single Chorus...