The Wild Duck Essays

The Wild Duck

The theme of The Wild Duck is that inflexible idealism can prove dangerous. Gregers in this play is an idealist; he is a seeker after truth; he hates deception and lies. This man preaches to other people what he calls "the claims of the ideal". Gregers' idealism compels him to break his relation...

765 words

The Wild Duck (Ibsen) Character Use of Escapes

People cannot handle stress everyday without having some form of an "escape," which could be as simple as listening to the radio for ten minutes, as long as it gets the mind off the stress. The use of escapes is especially evident in The Wild Duck. Old Akers uses drinking and hunting in the attic...

315 words

Wild Duck Symbols

Light/dark Materialized by the play of shadow and light in the mysterious garret, the opposition light/dark and its permutations provide the central motifs of the play. These motifs include: sight and blindness, ideal and vulgar, truth and lie. We should note its significance to Gregers's cause in...

762 words

The Wild Duck Quotes with Page Number

“Rob the average man of his life-illusion, and you rob him of his happiness at the same stroke.” — Page 44 — “Men are funny characters, they must always have something to bemuse them.” — — “Because there is surely nothing in the world that can compare with happiness of forgiveness and of lifting...

504 words

Tuckean Swamp issues

This report Is discussing the Issues and health of the Tuckers swamp, due to human activity and the effect of acid sulfate soils on ecosystems. The Tuckers Swamp is found skim's south west of Balling, situated on the lower Richmond River within the Northern Rivers of new south Wales. The swamp use...

1 208 words

The Wild Duck

The wild Duck 1885 is one of the most famous plays of Henrik Ibsen. It seemed to contradict one of the principal doctrines, which Ibsen had been preaching: the importance of ideals and the sin of compromise. The major theme of the play is realism vs. idealism. From the very first act, the...

2 121 words