The Wild Duck Summary

The play tactfully displays the entrance of a devilish character, Gregers who kills Hedvig, the wild duck with his manipulative words. He compels her father and his friend Hjalmar to consider her a burden and Hedvig to sacrifice herself for Hjalmar, to fulfill his destiny as the devil.

The scenario is set at Werle’s house. He is celebrating the return of his son, Gregers, after fifteen long years of working in a Hoidal mine. A toast is made in a room adjacent to the dining hall while Pettersen who is a servant and a waiter arranges the room for dinner. Pettersen cracks a joke about Werle’s love life with Mrs. Sorby. Soon, Ekdal, a traitor, who was a former partner of Werle’s, interrupts them. Mrs. Sorby orders the servants to make coffee to serve in the music room and Werle throws a disgusted look at Ekdal. Everybody leaves for the music room except for Hjalmar Ekdal, Ekdal’s son and Gregers. They have a talk about why Gregers should not have invited him but Gregers insisted that he wanted to catch up and he listens to a lot of unexpected news about his father. Soon, everyone reappears and Werle invites Gregers for a toast. The party is silenced when Hjalmar gasps at Ekdal’s arrival.

Ekdal apologizes for the awkward situation, which is soon followed by the unexpected leave of Hjalmar. When Gregers urges to meet up with him later, he requests him to not do so. Soon, when everyone leaves, Gregers wants to have a word with his father although Werle wants to avoid a talk. Soon, Gregers is startled by how the Ekdals had gone undercover the moment their business faced problems, when he asks about how they had affected their father’s business. He then urges his father to talk about the unaccounted payments and his illicit relationship with the housemaid. Werle asks him to not believe his deceased mother and to help him run the family enterprise alongside approving his affair with Mrs. Sorby. Then, Gregers leaves the house after refusing the offer.

Back at Hjalmar’s, Gina is seen sewing while Hedvig reads the account books with intense concentration. Gina pleads her to stop doing so since her father hates it. She remarks that they have yet to rent out the extra room and waits for her father. To both the women’s dismay, Ekdal comes in with two bags of copying materials and prepares to get drunk. Soon, Hjalmar comes in and talks about the party at Werle’s. He says that he would not have arrived if he had known of his father’s presence and then talks about how he had laid chamberlains in their house and brags about his knowledge in wine. Next, Hedvig compliments her father for his attire and is disappointed to know that he forgot to bring any. Hedvig brings him beer and he tries to cheer the family up. Suddenly, Gregers arrives and Hedvig fetches beer. He offers Ekdal to join him back at work to which he refuses and starts talking about letting him in on a secret.

Soon, Ekdal, Hjalmar, Gregers and Hedvig head back through a backdoor to a corridor filled with nooks and crannies. The end opens up to a room lit with moonlight. Gregers is then shown a supposedly special duck caught by Werle among other domestic animals in the room. The dog, while trapped in seaweed, had saved the duck. Since then, it has slugs inside it and hence cannot fly. Gregers wants to rent the extra room but Gina tries to dissuade him. He is seemingly hell bent on taking it. Hjalmar agrees and soon applauds to how he will be able to take revenge on the Werles and restore his family’s honor.

Gregers soon moves in. In the morning, he enters the kitchen; he sets fire around the stove and spills water all over the kitchen. Gina complains to Hjalmar who works in his studio. She then sighs and tries to manage some food for Relling and Molvik while her brother finish his work. Gina then goes to the kitchen. Ekdal asks if he wants to accompany him to the garret. He disagrees to do so in Gina’s presence. Soon, Hedvig vouches for him and they leave for it. Gregers asks Hedvig if the wild duck had slept and the room is described by Hedvig to be owned by an old captain. The shelves are filled with an old bureau, some books and a worn-out clock. Hedvig and Gregers talk about the whereabouts of the duck. Then, Gregers compliments her skills of developing photographs to which Gina remarks that Hjalmar doesn’t need petty laborers like Hedvig. Hjalmar shoots a bullet from his pistol and Gina rebukes him for this.

Gregers asks Hjalmar about leaving his work to his wife. He remarks surprisingly that Gregers is yet to know of his invention. Then, he describes the sad standstill their life had come to after Ekdal had gone to prison. He suspects that the time in the garret has had an effect on his friend. Hjalmar tries to silence him by asking him to not say anything unpleasant inside his house. Soon, Relling jests about the house members and along with Ekdal, he cheers to the birthday of Hedvig. Hjalmar promises prosperity to her after his invention is complete. Afterwards, Relling and Gregers engage in a debate. Next, Werle comes to talk about the wealth but Gregers expresses his will to avenge his friend. Werle informs him of his marriage and then, he refuses his portion of wealth.

When dusk comes peeking in, Gina bids adieu to two sweethearts after taking a picture. Hedvig wonders when are Hjalmar and Gregers due to return from their walk. After their return, Hjalmar pledges to not go the garret, almost wrings the duck, stops and then, promises to work in the morrow with his photographs. He then commands Hedvig to leave the garret since it is polluted with marsh vapors and asks Gina why she had not informed him about her father being highly paid by Werle. Gina then confesses of her illicit relation with Werle. Hjalmar breaks down mentally. Gregers barges into the scene and congratulates them, encouraging them to build a new relation based on truth. Relling comes in on the scene and denies, following the claims of ideals. Soon, Mrs. Sorby approaches to inform them that she and Werle are moving. She has confessed everything to him. She also offers help to Hjalmar but he refuses and promises to pay back an un-payable debt.

Gregers tries to applaud Hjalmar but Hjalmar reflects on how God has given the blind Werle providence for all his deceptions. He also realizes the power of a true marriage built on truth and confidence. Soon, Hedvig comes in with a gift of monthly income for herself after Ekdal dies. Hjalmar tears the letter after being influenced by Gregers’s words. He then asks Gina of Hedvig being his daughter. Gina replies in an uncertain tone and Hjalmar grabs his coat and claims to not have a home anymore. Hedvig then is mistreated after approaching Hjalmar and cries that she is not loved anymore. Gregers then urges Hedvig to sacrifice her most precious possession, the wild duck, to prove her love for her father She then requests Ekdal to shoot the duck. Gina sighs at Hjalmar as he goes to drink with Relling and Molvik.

In a cold morning with a snowstorm raging outside, Gina is doing household chores while Hedvig rushes to inform to Ekdal that Hjalmar has gone out. Soon, Gregers enters and informs them that he is nowhere but downstairs, sleeping in Relling’s sofa. Gregers then asks Relling about his inner tumult. He then opines that he is no one extraordinary but has been made to feel as one by his circle of people. He also claims that Gregers is sick with his integrity and submission towards Hjalmar. Gregers then asks about how Relling has suggested a cure. After hearing the method, he plans to save Hjalmar from the plan. Hedvig no longer plans to kill the duck. Soon, Hedvig tries to kill the duck when Hjalmar interrupts and declares that he is leaving the house with Ekdal.

Hjalmar looks for his hart. Gina scolds him for taking reckless decision and serves him breakfast. He then takes a look at the torn letter. While he packs to leave, Hedvig reaches for the pistol. Then he hastily gorges on his breakfast. Then he agrees to live in the sitting room. He glues back the letter that had been offered to his father. Suddenly, Hjalmar says that his invention is clear now. Hedvig has been the blot in his life. They also realize that Hedvig had shot the duck. Apparently, Hedvig shoots herself. Hjalmar and Gina mourn while Gregers announces that he is glad to have carried out his destiny.