Teresa is a teenager who arrives in the Glade immediately after Thomas. Her arrival becomes a huge shock to the Gladers as she is the first woman to ever come to the Glade. She is a very striking girl, with black hair and fair skin. She looks like a fifteen years old girl, though she is already seventeen. She is also described as a slim girl with big blue eyes. After her arrival, Teresa seems to know the truth and warns others that everything is going to change soon. Despite the fact that she is almost only one female character, her role in the book is actually minor. The main contribution of Teresa is the influence on Thomas's character development. Thomas is even sure that he knows Teresa for a long time, even though he does not remember it as well as his past. Thomas and Teresa become actually very good friends over the course of the book. Besides, Teresa assists Thomas in deactivating the Maze during the escape. In the beginning, it may seem that Teresa is a very decisive girl. However, Teresa never seems to make decisions for herself. In almost every moment, Teresa wants to do as she is told.
Teresa Agnes in the Essays