John Steinbeck Quotes - Page 51 | Just Great DataBase

,,Eventlessness has no posts to drape duration on. From nothing to nothing is no time at all.


I won’t tell them about it, said Abra. You’re pretty sure of yourself. Yes, she said, I’m pretty sure of myself. Will you kiss me? Right here? Right in the street? Why not? Everybody’d see. I want them to, said Abra. Aron said, No. I don’t like to make things public like that. She stepped around in front of him and stopped him. You look here, mister. You kiss me now. Why? She said slowly, So everybody will know that I’m Mrs. Lettuce-head.


see. Is it responsibility or blame that bothers you? I don’t want blame. Sometimes responsibility is worse. It doesn’t carry any pleasant egotism.


Yes, it meant something. Then he said, Mr. Trask, do you think the thoughts of people suddenly become important at a given age? Do you have sharper feelings or clearer thoughts now than when you were ten? Do you see as well, hear as well, taste as vitally?


Adam found his father out. It wasn’t that his father changed but that some new quality came to Adam. He had always hated the discipline, as every normal animal does, but it was just and true and inevitable as measles, not to be denied or cursed, only to be hated. And then–it was very fast, almost a click in the brain–Adam knew that, for him at least, his father’s methods had no reference to anything in the world except his father. The techniques and training were not designed for the boys at all but only to make Cyrus a great man. And the same click in the brain told Adam that his father was not a great man, that he was, indeed, a very strong-willed and concentrated little man wearing a huge busby. Who knows what causes this–a look in the eye, a lie found out, a moment of hesitation?–then god comes crashing down in a child’s brain.


I come from a whole goddam family of inventors," said Will. "We had ideas for breakfast. We had ideas instead of breakfast. We had so many ideas we forgot to make the money for groceries.


I have spoken of the rich years when the rainfall was plentiful. But there were dry youeras too, and they put a terror on the valley. The water came in a thirty-year cycle. There would be five or six wet and wonderful years when there might be nineteen to twenty-five inches of rain, and the land would shout with grass. Then would come six or seven pretty good years of twelve to sixten inches of rain. And then the dry yars would come, and sometimes thre would be only seven or eight inches of rain. The land dried up and the grasses headed out miserably a few inches high and great bare scabby places appeared in the valley. The live oaks got a crusty look and the sage-brush was gray. The land cracked and the springs dried up and the cattle listlessly nibbled dry twigs. Then the farmers and the ranchers would be filled with disgust for the Salinas Valley. The cows would grow thin and sometimes starve to death. People would have to haul water in barrels to their farms just for drinking. Some families would sell out for nearly nothing and move away. And it never failed that during the dry years the people forgot about the rich years, and during the wet years they lost all memory of the dry years. It was always that way.


Vice has always a new fresh young face, while virtue is venerable as nothing else in the world is.


The winter night blew in with frosty wind, and the street lamps with their sputtering carbons swung restlessly and made the shadows dart back and forth like a runner trying to steal second base.


Almost instinctively he went about learningthe truth and at the same time disbelieved it.


Lee asked, How does Mrs. Hamilton feel about the paradoxes of the Bible? Why, she does not feel anything because she does not admit they are there. But— Hush, man. Ask her. And you’ll come out of it older but not less confused. Adam


and their greed was for gold or God. They collected souls as they collected jewels.


He remembered that his mother had a strong distaste for suicide, feeling that it combined three things of which she strongly disapproved—bad manners, cowardice, and sin.


He could hide from ugliness— in the evening.


Surely most men are destroyed, but there are others who like pillars of fire guide frightened men through the darkness.


Young Adam was always an obedient child. Something in him shrank from violence, from contention, from the silent shrieking tensions that can rip at a house. He contributed to the quiet he wished for by offering no violence, no contention, and to do this he had to retire into secretness, since there is some violence in everyone. He covered his life with a veil of vagueness, while behind his quiet eyes a rich full life went on. This did not protect him from assault but it allowed him an immunity.


For hours he would lie absorbed in the economy of the ground.


When two events have something in common, in their natures or in time or place, we leap happily to the conclusion that they are similar and from this tendency we create magics and store them for retelling.


We have only one story. All novels, all poetry, are built on the never-ending contest in ourselves of good and evil. And it occurs to me that evil must constantly respawn, while good, while virtue, is immortal. Vice has always a new fresh young face, while virtue is venerable as nothing else in the world is.


Pershing’s expedition into Mexico after Villa had exploded one of our myths for a little while. We had truly believed that Mexicans can’t shoot straight and besides were lazy and stupid.