William Shakespeare Quotes - Page 102 | Just Great DataBase

Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor playerThat struts and frets his hour upon the stageAnd then is heard no more. It is a taleTold by an idiot, full of sound and fury,Signifying nothing.


For your sake, jewel,I am glad at soul I have no other child;For thy escape would teach me tyranny,To hang clogs on them.


But I perceive in you so excellent a touch of modesty that you will not extort from me what I am willing to keep in.


النية العاجلة يجب أن يصحبها العمل العاجل.منذ الآن أول ما يعن في خاظري يكون أول ماتصنعه يدي فالفكرة سيتوجها الفعل.


Tis like she comes to speak of Cassio’s death,The noise was high. Ha! No more moving?Still as the grave. Shall she come in? Were ’t good?I think she stirs again—No. What’s best to do?If she come in, she’ll sure speak to my wife—My wife! my wife! what wife? I have no wife.Oh, insupportable! Oh, heavy hour!Methinks it should be now a huge eclipseOf sun and moon, and that th' affrighted globeShould yawn at alteration.


A blank, my lord. She never told her love, 110   But let concealment, like a worm i’the bud, Feed on her damask cheek.


And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, 135 The instruments of darkness tell us truths, 136 Win us with honest trifles, to betray ’s 137 In deepest consequence.— 138


I am one, sir, that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs.


What I am and what I would are as secret as maidenhead; to your ears divinity, to any others profanation.


ولكن هذه أيام عصيبةوقاسية حين نجد أنفسنا خونة دون أن ندري،حين نتداول إشاعات مصدرها مخاوفنا ولا ندري كنه هذه المخاوف،بل نطفو على بحر هائج عنيف تتقاذفنا الأمواج من كل اتجاه.


For daws to peck at: I am not what I am.


For give the dry fool drink, then is the fool not dry. Bid the dishonest man mend himself. If he mend, he is no longer dishonest. If he cannot, let the botcher mend him. Anything


الإسراف في إشباع الغرائز بلا قيد هو ضرب من الطغيان في طبيعة الإنسان وكان السبب في سقوط العديد من الملوك وفي خلو العروش السعيدة قبل الأوان.


Come on, come on; you are pictures out of doors,Bells in your parlours, wild cats in your kitchens,Saints in your injuries, devils being offended,Players in your housewifery, and housewives in your beds.


Yes, and shall do till the pangs of death shake him. Infirmity, that decays the wise, doth ever make the better fool.


O lords,When I have said, cry 'woe!' the queen, the queen,The sweet'st, dear'st creature's dead,and vengeance for'tNot dropp'd down yet.


Say from whence You owe this strange intelligence, or why Upon this blasted heath you stop our way With such prophetic greeting. Speak, I charge you.


DESDEMONACome, how wouldst thou praise me? IAGO I am about it; but indeed my invention Comes from my pate as birdlime does from frieze; It plucks out brains and all: but my Muse labours, And thus she is deliver'd. If she be fair and wise, fairness and wit, The one's for use, the other useth it. DESDEMONA Well praised! How if she be black and witty? IAGO If she be black, and thereto have a wit, She'll find a white that shall her blackness fit. DESDEMONA Worse and worse. EMILIA How if fair and foolish? IAGO She never yet was foolish that was fair; For even her folly help'd her to an heir. DESDEMONA These are old fond paradoxes to make fools laugh i' the alehouse. What miserable praise hast thou for her that's foul and foolish? IAGO There's none so foul and foolish thereunto, But does foul pranks which fair and wise ones do.


Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.


What you doStill betters what is done. When you speak, sweet.I'ld have you do it ever: when you sing,I'ld have you buy and sell so, so give alms,Pray so; and, for the ordering your affairs,To sing them too: when you do dance, I wish youA wave o' the sea, that you might ever doNothing but that; move still, still so,And own no other function: each your doing,So singular in each particular,Crowns what you are doing in the present deed,That all your acts are queens.