EPILOGODetto da PROSPERO.Ora i miei incantesimi si sono tutti spenti,la forza che possiedo è solo mia, ed è poca.Ora sta a voi tenermi qui confinato o mandarmi a Napoli.Poiché ho riavuto il Ducato e perdonato il traditore,Non fatemi rimanere col vostro potere in quest'isola nuda,ma scioglietemi da ogni legame con mani generose.Il vostro fiato gentile colmi le mie velealtrimenti fallisce Il mio progetto che era di dar piacere.Ora mi mancano spiriti da comandare,arte per incantare,e la mia fine è la disperazione,a meno che non sia salvato dalla preghieraChe va tanto a fondo da vincere la pietà e liberare dal peccato.Come voi per ogni colpa implorate il perdono,Così la vostra indulgenza metta me in libertà.
Thou, my slave,As thou report'st thyself, was then her servant,And for thou wast a spirit too delicateTo act her earthy and abhorred commands,Refusing her grand hests, she did confine thee,By help of her more potent ministersAnd in her most unmitigable rage,Into a cloven pine, within which riftImprisoned thou didst painfully remainA dozen years; within which space she diedAnd left thee there, where thou didst vent thy groansAs fast as mill wheels strike.
Blood hath been shed ere now, i'the olden time,Ere humane statute purged the gentle weal;Ay, and since too, murders have been performedToo terrible for the ear. The times has beenThat, when the brains were out, the man would die,And there an end. But now they rise againWith twenty mortal murders on their crowns, And push us from our stools. This is more strangeThan such a murder is.
Come what come may, Time and the hour runs through the roughest day. (to himself) No matter what happens, time continues on. BANQUO Worthy Macbeth, we stay upon your leisure. Good Macbeth, we’re waiting for whenever you’re ready. MACBETH (155) Give me your favor. My dull brain was wrought With things forgotten. Kind gentlemen, your pains Are registered where every day I turn The leaf to read them. Let us toward the king. (aside to BANQUO) Think upon what hath chanced, and, at more time, (160)