William Shakespeare Quotes - Page 120 | Just Great DataBase

…but long it could not beTill that her garments, heavy with their drink,Pull’d the poor wretch from her melodious layTo muddy death.— Act IV, Scene vii


He oído decir que el gallo, clarín de la mañana, despierta con su voz altiva y penetrante al dios del día y que, alertados, en tierra o aire, mar o fuego, los espíritus errantes en seguida se recluyen: de


Thought and affliction, passion, hell itself, She turns to favor and to prettiness.


Shakespeare is not writing Christian fantasy but Christian realism, and this entails martyrdom and suffering on the part of the innocent. This is the real world in which Shakespeare found himself.


С кротък лик и действия набожниний често захаросваме отвънкасамия Сатана.


In the corrupted currents of this worldOffence's gilded hand may shove by justice,And oft 'tis seen the wicked prize itselfBuys out the law. . . (Claudius, from Hamlet, Act 3, scene 3)


Parece natural en la vejez excedernos en la desconfianza, igual que es propio de los jóvenes andar escasos de juicio.


And let me speak to th’ yet unknowing world        How these things came about. So shall you hear        Of carnal, bloody, and unnatural acts;        Of accidental judgments, casual slaughters;        Of deaths put on by cunning and forc’d cause;        And, in this upshot, purposes mistook        Fall’n on th’ inventors’ heads—all this can I        Truly deliver. (5.2.371-78) The


As for the play itself, it is perhaps the most popular and well-known of all Shakespeare’s works and is also the longest and arguably the most difficult to understand.


In order to understand Hamlet as Shakespeare understood it, we need to see the play through the playwright’s profoundly Christian eyes. This inescapable truth was understood by the Shakespearean critic E. M. W. Tillyard, who emphasized Shakespeare’s breadth of spiritual vision in Hamlet: I doubt if in any other play of Shakespeare there is so strong an impression of the total range of creation from the angels to the beasts. 


A cunoaște bine pe cineva presupune să te cunoști bine pe tine însuți.


Che la vostra prudenzasia la vostra guida: adattate l’azione al mondo,la parola all’azione, ma attenti a non oltrepassarela moderazione della natura: qualsiasi esagerazioneè estranea allo scopo del dramma, il cui fine, in originecome ora, era ed è porgere uno specchioalla natura, mostrando alla virtù il suo aspetto,al vizio la sua immagine e all’età e al tempola loro forma e la loro impronta.


I am justly killed with mine own treachery.


Ofelia, betänk din ära, hur den skadas om du lyssnar alltför naivt och villigt till hans locksång och skänker bort ditt hjärta eller öppnar jungfrulighetens skattegömma för prins Hamlets envist pockande begär. Var rädd om dig, Ofelia, var rädd!


Daß einer lächeln kann und immer lächelnUnd doch ein Schurke sein.


brevity is the soul of wit,


Ha, ha, are you honest?


Честността ви би трябвало да се пази от много разговори с хубостта ви.


More matter with less art.60


Nos creemos felices en no ser demasiado felices.