The poor soul sat singing by a sycamore tree. Sing all a green willow: Her hand on her bosom, her head on her knee,Sing willow, willow, willow: The fresh streams ran by her, and murmur'd her moans; Sing willow, willow, willow; Her salt tears fell from her, and soften'd the stones; Lay by these: Sing willow, willow, willow; Prithee, hie thee; he'll come anon.
Make me a willow cabin at your gateAnd call upon my soul within the house.Write loyal cantons of contemned loveAnd sing them loud even in the dead of night.Halloo your name to the reverberate hillsAnd make the babbling gossip of the airCry out Olivia! Oh, you should not restBetween the elements of air and earth,But you should pity me.